Manage Performance Insights for RDS databases in DuploCloud
Performance Insights is an Amazon RDS feature that enables you to monitor and analyze the performance of your database. It provides key metrics and deep insights into database activity, helping you identify bottlenecks and optimize query performance. You can configure Performance Insights with DuploCloud when creating a new RDS instance and update them for an existing RDS instance .
When creating a new RDS instance, complete the following steps:
Enable the Enable Performance Insights (Optional) option.
Set the retention period for Performance Insights data in the Performance Insights Retention in Days (Optional) field.
Select an encryption key to encrypt Performance Insights data in the Performance Insights Encryption (Optional) list box.
Select the Tenant from the Tenant list box.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Database and select the RDS tab.
Click on the RDS name in the NAME column.
From the Actions menu, select RDS Settings and then Update Performance Insights. The Update Performance Insights pane displays.
Select Enable Performance Insights.
In the Performance Insights Retention in Days field, enter a retention period (1–731 days).
From the Performance Insights Encryption list box, select an encryption key or select No Encryption.
Click Update to apply the changes.