Control placement of EC2 instances on a physical server with a Dedicated Host
Use Dedicated Hosts to launch Amazon EC2 instances and provide additional visibility and control over how EC2 instances are placed on a physical server; enabling you to use the same physical server, if needed.
Configure the DuploCloud Portal to allow for the creation of Dedicated Hosts.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Administrator -> System Settings.
Click the System Config tab.
Click Add. The Add Config pane displays.
In the Config Type field, select Flags.
In the Key field, select Allow Dedicated Host Sharing.
In the Value field, select true.
Click Submit. The configuration is displayed in the System Config tab.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Hosts.
In the EC2 tab, click Add. The Add Host page displays.
After completing the required fields to configure your Host, select Advanced Options. The advanced options display.
In the Dedicated Host ID field, enter the ID of the Dedicated Host. The ID is used to launch a specific instance on a Dedicated Host. See the screenshot below for an example.
Click Add. The Dedicated Host is displayed in the EC2 tab.
After you create Dedicated Hosts, view them by doing the following:
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Hosts.
In the EC2 tab, select the Host from the Name column. The Dedicated Host ID card on the Host page displays the ID of the Dedicated Host.
Autoscale your Host workloads in DuploCloud
DuploCloud supports various ways to scale Host workloads, depending on the underlying AWS services being used.
Connect an EC2 instance with SSH by Session ID or by downloading a key
Once an EC2 Instance is created, you connect it with SSH either by using Session ID or by downloading a key.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Hosts and select the host to which you want to connect.
After you select the Host, on the Host's page click the Actions menu and select SSH. A new browser tab opens and you can connect your Host using SSH with by session ID. Connection to the host launches in a new browser tab.
After you select the Host, on the Host's page click the Actions menu and select Connect -> Connection Details. The Connection Info for Host window opens. Follow the instructions to connect to the server.
Click Download Key.
If you don't want to display the Download Key button, disable the button's visibility.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Administrator -> System Settings.
Click the System Config tab.
Click Add. The Add Config pane displays.
From the Config Type list box, select Flags.
From the Key list box, select Disable SSH Key Download.
From the Value list box, select true.
Click Submit.
Configuring the following system setting disables SSH access for read-only users. Once this setting is configured, only administrator-level users can access SSH.
From the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Administrator -> Systems Settings.
Select the Settings tab, and click Add. The Update Config Flags pane displays.
From the Config Type list box, select Flags.
In the Key list box, select Admin Only SSH Key Download.
In the Value field list box, select true.
Click Submit. The setting is configured and SSH access is limited to administrators only.
Add a Host (virtual machine) in the DuploCloud Portal.
DuploCloud AWS supports EC2, ASG, and BYOH (Bring Your Own Host) types. Use BYOH for any VMs that are not EC2 or ASG.
Ensure you have selected the appropriate Tenant from the Tenant list box at the top of the DuploCloud Portal.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Hosts.
Click the tab that corresponds to the type of Host you want to create (EC2, ASG, or BYOH).
Click Add. The Host that you added is displayed in the appropriate tab (EC2, ASG, or BYOH).
To connect to the Host using SSH, follow this procedure.
The EKS Image ID is the image published by AWS specifically for an EKS worker in the version of Kubernetes deployed at Infrastructure creation time.
If no Image ID is available with a prefix of EKS, copy the AMI ID for the desired EKS version by referring to this AWS documentation. Select Other from the Image ID list box and paste the copied AMI ID in the Other Image ID field. Contact the DuploCloud Support team via your Slack channel if you have questions or issues.
See Kubernetes StorageClass and PVC.
From the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Hosts.
Select the Host name from the list.
From the Actions list box, you can select Connect, Host Settings, or Host State to perform the following supported actions:
If you add custom code for EC2 or ASG Hosts using the Base64 Data field, your custom code overrides the code needed to start the EC2 or ASG Hosts and the Hosts cannot connect to EKS. Instead, use this procedure to add custom code directly in EKS.
Create Autoscaling groups to scale EC2 instances to your workload
Configure Autoscaling Groups (ASG) to ensure the application load is scaled based on the number of EC2 instances configured. Autoscaling detects unhealthy instances and launches new EC2 instances. ASG is also cost-effective as EC2 Instances are dynamically created per the application requirement within minimum and maximum count limits.
The Use for Cluster Autoscaling option will not be available until you enable the Cluster Autoscaler option in your Infrastructure.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Hosts.
In the ASG tab, click Add. The Add ASG page is displayed.
In the Friendly Name field, enter the name of the ASG.
Select Availability Zone and Instance Type.
In the Instance Count field, enter the desired capacity for the Autoscaling group.
In the Minimum Instances field, enter the minimum number of instances. The Autoscaling group ensures that the total number of instances is always greater than or equal to the minimum number of instances.
In the Maximum Instances field, enter the maximum number of instances. The Autoscaling group ensures that the total number of instances is always less than or equal to the maximum number of instances.
Select Use for Cluster Autoscaling.
Select Advanced Options.
Select the appropriate Image ID.
From the Agent Platform list box, select Linux Docker/Native to run a Docker service or select EKS Linux to run services using EKS. Fill in additional fields as needed for your ASG.
Optionally, enable Spot Instances.
Optionally, for EKS only, enable Scale from zero.
Click Add. Your ASG is added and displayed in the ASG tab.
View the Hosts created as part of ASG creation from the ASG Hosts tab.
Refer to AWS Documentation for detailed steps on creating Scaling policies for the Autoscaling Group.
The DuploCloud Portal provides the ability to configure Services based on the platforms EKS Linux and Linux Docker/Native. Select the ASG based on the platform used when creating services and Autoscaling groups. Optionally, if you previously enabled Spot Instances in the ASG, you can configure the Service to use Spot Instances by selecting Tolerate spot instances.
Create Autoscaling Groups (ASG) with Spot Instances in the DuploCloud platform
are spare capacity priced at a significant discount compared to On-Demand Instances. Users specify the maximum price (bid) they will pay per hour for a Spot Instance. The instance is launched if the current Spot price is below the user's bid. Since Spot Instances can be interrupted when spare capacity is unavailable, applications using Spot Instances must be fault-tolerant and able to handle interruptions.
Spot Instances are only supported for Auto-scaling Groups (ASG) with EKS
Follow the steps in the section . Before clicking Add, Click the box to access Advanced Options. Enable Use Spot Instances and enter your bid, in dollars, in the Maximum Spot Price field.
Tolerations will be entered by default in the Add Service page, Advanced Options, Other Container Config field.
ECS Autoscaling has the ability to scale the desired count of tasks for the ECS Service configured in your infrastructure. Average CPU/Memory metrics of your tasks are used to increase/decrease the desired count value.
Navigate to Cloud Services -> ECS. Select the ECS Task Definition where Autoscaling needs to be enabled > Add Scaling Target
Set the MinCapacity (minimum value 2) and MaxCapacity to complete the configuration.
Once Autoscaling for Targets is configured, Next we have to add Scaling Policy
Provide details below:
Policy Name - The name of the scaling policy.
Policy Dimension - The metric type tracked by the target tracking scaling policy.. Select from the dropdown
Target Value - The target value for the metric.
Scalein Cooldown - The amount of time, in seconds, after a scale in activity completes before another scale in activity can start.
ScaleOut Cooldown -The amount of time, in seconds, after a scale out activity completes before another scale out activity can start.
Disable ScaleIn - Disabling scale-in makes sure this target tracking scaling policy will never be used to scale in the Autoscaling group
This step creates the target tracking scaling policy and attaches it to the Autoscaling group
View the Scaling Target and Policy Details from the DuploCloud Portal. Update and Delete Operations are also supported from this view
Follow the steps in . In the Add Service page, Basic Options, Select Tolerate spot instances.
Establish an SSH connection to work directly in the AWS Console.
Connection Details
View connection details (connection type, address, user name, visibility) and download the key.
Host Details
View Host details in the Host Details YAML screen.
Create AMI
Set the AMI.
Create Snapshot
Create a snapshot of the Host at a specific point.
Update User Data
Update the Host user data.
Change Instance Size
Resize a Host instance to accommodate the workload.
Update Auto Reboot Status Check
Enable or disable Auto Reboot. Set the number of minutes after the AWS Instance Status Check fails before automatically rebooting.
Start the Host.
Reboot the Host.
Stop the Host.
Hibernate (temporarily freeze) the Host.
Terminate Host
Terminate the Host.
Backup your hosts (VMs)
Create Virtual Machine (VM) snapshots in the DuploCloud Portal.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Hosts. The Hosts page displays.
From the Name column, select the Host you want to backup.
Click Actions and select Snapshot.
Once you take a VM Snapshot, the snapshot displays as an available Image ID when you create a Host.
Discover tainted EC2 hosts in the DuploCloud Console
can be issued by Kubernetes when a becomes unreachable or not tolerated by certain workloads. As Kubernetes can initiate Taints, you can as well. For example, to isolate a node for the purpose of applying maintenance, such as an upgrade, using the kubectl taint
In the DuploCloud Portal, Taints are displayed in the Status column on the EC2 Hosts page.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Hosts.
In the EC2 tab, check for hosts with a Status of stopped
and tainted
. If these statuses are present, the connection to the underlying Node is lost and you should take appropriate action to restore the connection. See the for available commands, flags, and examples to resolve the Taint.
To find Tainted Nodes, use the kubectl get nodes
command, followed by the kubectl describe node
command. See to get Shell Access to Kubernetes within the DuploCloud Portal and issue kubectl
console commands from the Portal.
Deploy Hosts in one Tenant that can be accessed by Kubernetes (K8s) Pods in a separate Tenant.
You can enable shared Hosts in the DuploCloud Portal. First, configure one Tenant to allow K8s Pods from other Tenants to run on its Host(s). Then, configure another Tenant to run its K8s Pods on Hosts in other Tenants. This allows you to break Tenant boundaries for greater flexibility.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Administrator -> Tenant.
From the Tenant list, select the name of the Tenant to which the Host is defined.
Click the Settings tab.
Click Add. The Add Tenant Feature pane displays.
From the Select Feature item list, select Allow hosts to run K8S pods from other tenants.
Select Enable.
Click Add. This Tenant's hosts can now run Pods from other Tenants.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Administrator -> Tenant.
From the Tenant list, select the name of the Tenant that will access the other Tenant's Host (the Tenant not associated with a Host).
Click the Settings tab.
Click Add. The Add Tenant Feature pane displays.
From the Select Feature item list, select Enable option to run K8S pods on any host.
Select Enable.
Click Add. This Tenant can now run Pods on other Tenant's Hosts.
From the Tenant list box at the top of the DuploCloud Portal, select the name of the Tenant that will run K8s Pods on the shared Host.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Kubernetes -> Services.
In the Services tab, click Add. The Add Service window displays.
Fill in the Service Name, Cloud, Platform, and Docker Image fields. Click Next.
In the Advanced Options window, from the Run on Any Host item list, select Yes.
Click Create. A Service running the shared Host is created.
Adding EC2 hosts in DuploCloud AWS
Once you have the Infrastructure (Networking, Kubernetes cluster, and other standard configurations) and an environment (Tenant) set up, the next step is to launch EC2 virtual machines (VMs). You create VMs to be:
EKS Worker Nodes
Worker Nodes (Docker Host), if the built-in container orchestration is used.
DuploCloud AWS requires at least one Host (VM) to be defined per AWS account.
You also create VMs if Regular nodes are not part of any container orchestration. For example, a user manually connects and installs apps, as when using Microsoft SQL Server in a VM, Running an IIS application, or such custom use cases.
While all the lower-level details like IAM roles, Security groups, and others are abstracted away from the user (as they are derived from the Tenant), standard application-centric inputs must be provided. This includes a Name, Instance size, Availability Zone choice, Disk size, Image ID, etc. Most of these are optional, and some are published as a list of user-friendly choices by the admin in the plan (Image or AMI ID is one such example). Other than these AWS-centric parameters, there are two DuploCloud platform-specific values to be provided:
Agent Platform: This is applicable if the VM is going to be used as a host for container orchestration by the platform. The choices are:
EKS Linux: If this is to be added to the EKS cluster. For example, EKS is the chosen approach for container orchestration
Linux Docker: If this is to be used for hosting Linux containers using the Built-in Container orchestration
Docker Windows: If this is to be used for hosting Windows containers using the Built-in Container orchestration
None: If the VM is going to be used for non-Container Orchestration purposes and contents inside the VM will be self-managed by the user
Allocation Tags (Optional): If the VM is being used for containers, you can set a label on it. This label can then be specified during docker app deployment to ensure the application containers are pinned to a specific set of nodes. Thus, you can further split a tenant into separate server pools and deploy applications.
If a VM is being used for container orchestration, ensure that the Image ID corresponds to an Image for that container orchestration. This is set up for you. The list box will have self-descriptive Image IDs. Examples are EKS Worker, Duplo-Docker, Windows Docker, and so on. Anything that starts with Duplo would be an image for the Built-in container orchestration.
Add and view AMIs in AWS
You can create Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) in the DuploCloud Portal. Unlike EC2 Hosts, which are fully dedicated physical servers for launching EC2 instances, AMIs are templates that contain the information required to launch an instance, such as an operating system, application software, and data. EC2 is used for creating a virtual server instance. AMI is the EC2 virtual machine image.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Hosts. The Hosts page displays.
Select the Host on which you want to base your AMI from the Name column.
Click the Actions menu and select Host Settings -> Create AMI. The Set AMI pane displays.
In the AMI Name field, enter the name of the AMI.
Click Create.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Hosts. The Hosts page displays.
Select the AMI tab. Your AMIs are displayed on the AMI page. Selecting an AMI from this page displays the Overview and Details tabs for more information.
You can disable host creation by non-administrators (Users) for custom AMIs by configuring the option in DuploCloud.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Administrator -> System Settings.
Click the System Config tab.
Click Add. The Add Config pane displays.
In the Config Type list box, select Flags.
In the Key list box, select Disable Host Creation with Custom AMI.
In the Value list box, select true.
Click Submit.
When this setting is configured, the Other option in the Image ID list box in the Add Host page, will be disabled, preventing hosts with custom AMIs from being created.
Save resources by hibernating EC2 hosts while maintaining persistence
When you hibernate an instance, Amazon EC2 signals the operating system to perform hibernation (suspend-to-disk). Hibernation saves the contents from the instance memory (RAM) to your Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) root volume. Amazon EC2 persists the instance's EBS root volume and any attached EBS data volumes.
For more information on Hibernation, see the AWS Documentation.
Before you can hibernate an EC2 Host in DuploCloud, you must configure the EC2 host at launch to use the Hibernation feature in AWS.
Follow the steps in the AWS documentation before attempting Hibernation of EC2 Host instances with DuploCloud.
After you configure your EC2 hosts for Hibernation in AWS:
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Hosts.
In the EC2 tab, select the Host you want to Hibernate.
Click the Actions menu, and select Hibernate Host. A confirmation message displays.
Click Confirm. On the EC2 tab, the host's status displays as hibernated.
Autoscale your DuploCloud Kubernetes deployment
Before autoscaling can be configured for your Kubernetes service, make sure that:
Autoscaling Group (ASG) is setup in the DuploCloud tenant
Cluster Autoscaler is enabled for your DuploCloud infrastructure
Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) automatically scales the Deployment and its ReplicaSet. HPA checks the metrics configured in regular intervals and then scales the replicas up or down accordingly.
You can configure HPA while creating a Deployment Service from the DuploCloud Portal.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate Kubernetes -> Services, displaying the Services page.
Create a new Service by clicking Add.
In Add Service - Basic Options, from the Replication Strategy list box, select Horizontal Pod Scheduler.
In the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Config field, add a sample configuration, as shown below. Update the minimum/maximum Replica Count in the resource
attributes, based on your requirements.
Click Next to navigate to Advanced Options.
In Advanced Options, in the Other Container Config field, ensure your resource attributes, such as Limits
and Requests
, are set to work with your HPA configuration, as in the example below.
At the bottom of the Advanced Options page, click Create.
For HPA Configures Services, Replica is set as Auto in the DuploCloud Portal
When your services are running, Replicas: Auto is displayed on the Service page.
If a Kubernetes Service is running with a Horizontal Pod AutoScaler (HPA), you cannot stop the Service by clicking Stop in the service's Actions menu in the DuploCloud Portal.
Instead, do the following to stop the service from running:
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Kubernetes -> Containers and select the Service you want to stop.
From the Actions menu, select Edit.
From the Replication Strategy list box, select Static Count.
In the Replicas field, enter 0 (zero).
Click Next to navigate to the Advanced Options page.
Click Update to update the service.
When the Cluster Autoscaler flag is set and a Tenant has one or more ASGs, an unschedulable-pod alert will be delayed by five (5) minutes to allow for autoscaling. You can configure the Infrastructure settings to bypass the delay and send the alerts in real-time.
From the DuploCloud portal, navigate to Administrator -> Infrastructure.
Click on the Infrastructure you want to configure settings for in the Name list.
Select the Settings tab.
Click the Add button. The Infra - Set Custom Data pane displays.
In the Setting Name list box, select Enables faults prior to autoscaling Kubernetes nodes.
Set the Enable toggle switch to enable the setting.
Click Set. DuploCloud will now generate faults for unschedulable K8s nodes immediately (before autoscaling).
Disable CloudFormation's SourceDestCheck in EC2 Host metadata
The AWS Cloudformation template contains a that ensures that an EC2 Host instance is either the source or the destination of any traffic the instance receives. In the DuploCloud Portal, this parameter is specified as true
, by default, enabling source and destination checks.
There are times when you may want to override this default behavior, such as when an EC2 instance runs services such as network address translation, routing, or firewalls. To override the default behavior and set the SourceDestCheck
parameter to false
, use this procedure.
in the DuploCloud PortalSet AWS CloudFormation SourceDestCheck
to false
for an EC2 Host:
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Hosts.
In the EC2 tab, select the Host for which you want to disable SourceDestCheck
Click the Metadata tab.
Click Add. The Add Metadata pane displays.
In the Key field, enter SourceDestCheck.
In the Value field, enter False.
Click Create. The Key/Value pair is displayed in the Metadata tab.
Scale to or from zero when creating Autoscaling Groups in DuploCloud
DuploCloud allows you to scale to or from zero in Amazon EKS clusters by enabling the Scale from Zero option within the Advanced Options when creating an . This feature intelligently adjusts the number of instances in your cluster, dynamically scaling up when demand increases and down to zero when resources are not in use. Reducing resource allocation during idle periods leads to significant cost savings.
Autoscaling to zero is ideal for Kubernetes workloads that don’t always require 100% availability such as:
Non-Critical Workloads: Batch processing jobs, data analysis tasks, and other non-customer-facing services that can be scaled down to zero during off-peak hours (e.g., nights or weekends).
Dev/Test Environments: Development and testing environments that can be scaled up when developers need them and scaled down when not in use.
Background Jobs: Workloads with background jobs running in Kubernetes that are only needed intermittently, such as those triggered by specific events or scheduled at certain times.
Autoscaling to zero is not suitable for all workloads. Avoid using this feature for:
Customer-Facing Applications: Frontend web applications that must always be available should not use autoscaling to zero, as it can cause downtime and negatively impact user experience.
Workloads Outside Kubernetes: If background jobs or other processes are not running in Kubernetes, autoscaling to zero will not apply. Different scaling strategies are required for these environments.
Scaling to or from zero with AWS Autoscaling Groups (ASG) offers several advantages depending on the context and requirements of your application:
Cost Savings: By scaling down to zero instances during periods of low demand, you minimize costs associated with running and maintaining instances. This pay-as-you-go model ensures you only pay for resources when they are actively being used.
Resource Efficiency: Scaling to zero ensures that resources are not wasted during periods of low demand. By terminating instances when they are not needed, you optimize resource utilization and prevent over-provisioning, leading to improved efficiency and reduced infrastructure costs.
Flexibility: Scaling to zero provides the flexibility to dynamically adjust your infrastructure in response to changes in workload. It allows you to efficiently allocate resources based on demand, ensuring that your application can scale up or down seamlessly to meet varying levels of traffic.
Simplified Management: With automatic scaling to zero, you can streamline management tasks associated with provisioning and de-provisioning instances. The ASG handles scaling operations automatically, reducing the need for manual intervention and simplifying infrastructure management.
Rapid Response to Increased Demand: Scaling from zero allows your infrastructure to quickly respond to spikes in traffic or sudden increases in workload. By automatically launching instances as needed, you ensure that your application can handle surges in demand without experiencing performance degradation or downtime.
Improved Availability: Scaling from zero helps maintain optimal availability and performance for your application by ensuring that sufficient resources are available to handle incoming requests. This proactive approach to scaling helps prevent resource constraints and ensures a consistent user experience even during peak usage periods.
Enhanced Scalability: Scaling from zero enables your infrastructure to scale out horizontally, adding additional instances as demand grows. This horizontal scalability allows you to seamlessly handle increases in workload and accommodate a growing user base without experiencing bottlenecks or performance issues.
Elasticity: Scaling from zero provides elasticity to your infrastructure, allowing it to expand and contract based on demand. This elasticity ensures that you can efficiently allocate resources to match changing workload patterns, resulting in optimal resource utilization and cost efficiency.
Automatically reboot a host upon StatusCheck faults or Host disconnection
Configure hosts to be rebooted automatically if the following occurs:
EC2 Status Check - Applicable for Docker Native and EKS Nodes. The Host is rebooted in the specified interval when a StatusCheck
fault is identified.
Kubernetes (K8s) Nodes are disconnected: Applicable for EKS Nodes only. The Host is rebooted in the specified interval when a Host Disconnected
fault is identified.
You can configure host Auto Reboot features for a particular Tenant and for a Host.
When you configure an Auto Reboot feature for both Tenant and Host, the Host level configuration takes precedence over the configuration at the Tenant level.
Use the following procedures to configure Auto Reboot at the Tenant level.
Configure the Auto Reboot feature at the Tenant for Docker Native and EKS Node-based Hosts, to reboot when a StatusCheck
fault is identified.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Administrator -> Tenant. The Tenant page displays.
Select a Tenant with access to the Host for which you want to configure Auto Reboot.
Click the Settings tab.
Click Add. The Add Tenant Feature pane displays.
From the Select Feature list box, select Enable Auto Reboot EC2 status check.
In the field below the Select Feature list box, enter the time interval in minutes after which the host automatically reboots after a StatusCheck
fault is identified. Enter zero (0) to disable this configuration.
Click Add. The configuration is displayed in the Settings tab.
Configure the Auto Reboot feature at the Tenant for EKS node-based Hosts, to reboot when a Host Disconnected
fault is identified.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Administrator -> Tenant. The Tenant page displays.
Select a Tenant with access to the Host for which you want to configure Auto Reboot.
Click the Settings tab.
Click Add. The Add Tenant Feature pane displays.
From the Select Feature list box, select Enable Auto Reboot K8s Nodes if disconnected.
In the field below the Select Feature list box, enter the time interval in minutes after which the host automatically reboots when a Host Disconnected
fault is identified. Enter zero (0) to disable this configuration.
Click Add. The configuration is displayed in the Settings tab.
Use the following procedures to configure Auto Reboot at the Host level.
Configure the Auto Reboot feature on the Host level for Docker Native and EKS Node-based Hosts, to reboot when a StatusCheck
fault is identified.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Hosts. The Hosts page displays.
Click the appropriate tab for your Host type and select the Host for which you want to configure Auto Reboot.
Click the Actions menu and select Host Settings -> Update Auto Reboot Status Check. The Set Auto Reboot Status Check Time pane displays.​
In the Auto Reboot Status Check field, enter the time interval in minutes after which the host automatically reboots after a StatusCheck
fault is identified. Enter zero (0) to disable this configuration.
Click Set.
Configure the Auto Reboot feature on the Host level for EKS node-based Hosts, to reboot when a Host Disconnected
fault is identified.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Hosts. The Hosts page displays.
Click the appropriate tab for your Host type and select the Host for which you want to configure Auto Reboot.
Click the Actions menu and select Host Settings -> Update Auto Reboot Disconnected. The Set Auto Reboot Status Check Time pane displays.​
In the Auto Reboot Time field, enter the time interval in minutes after which the host automatically reboots when a Host Disconnected
fault is identified. Enter zero (0) to disable this configuration.
Click Set.
To remove or edit an Auto Reboot Tenant-level configuration, click the () icon and select Edit Setting or Remove Setting.