Manage Tenant session duration settings in the DuploCloud Portal
In the DuploCloud Portal, configure the session duration time for all Tenants or a single Tenant. At the end of a session, the Tenants or Tenant ceases to be active for a particular user, application, or Service.
For more information about IAM roles and session times in relation to a user, application, or Service, see the AWS Documentation.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Administrator -> System Settings. The System Settings page displays.
Click the System Config tab.
Click Add. The App Config pane displays.
From the Config Type list box, select AppConfig.
From the Key list box, select AWS Role Max Session Duration.
From the Select Duration Hour list box, select the maximum session time in hours or set a Custom Duration in seconds.
Click Submit. The AWS Role Max Session Duration and Value are displayed in the System Config tab. Note that the Value you set for maximum session time in hours is displayed in seconds. You can Delete or Update the setting in the row's Actions menu.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Administrator -> Tenants. The Tenants page displays.
From the Name column, select the Tenant for which you want to configure session duration time.
Click the Settings tab.
Click Add. The Add Tenant Feature pane displays.
From the Select Feature list box, select AWS Role Max Session Duration.
From the Select Duration Hour list box, select the maximum session time in hours or set a Custom Duration in seconds.
Click Add. The AWS Role Max Session Duration and Value are displayed in the Settings tab. Note that the Value you set for maximum session time in hours is displayed in seconds. You can Delete or Update the setting in the row's Actions menu.