Checking Faults and Alerts in the DuploCloud Portal
Faults that happen in the system be it Infrastructure creation, Container deployments, or Application health checks can be tracked in the DuploCloud portal under Faults Menu.
You can look at Tenant specific faults under Observability -> Faults or all the faults in the system under Administrator -> Faults. In addition to notifying you about the faults, DuploCloud integrates with Sentry, which will send an Email alert for the fault and act as a single place to look at all the events.
You can create Azure alerts for the resources from the DuploCloud portal. The supported resource has Alerts Tab. Click on Add. Metrics are listed as per the resource. Select the required Threshold and configure the Alerts.
Alerts can also be configured from the Observability -> Alerts option.
When the alert Threshold is crossed, a Fault is generated in the DuploCloud portal.
In addition to the visibility of faults in the UI, DuploCloud also supports sending these notifications to the following systems:
AWS WorkDocs
Refer to the link here for the detailed configuration.