Create an OpenSearch domain from the DuploCloud portal
Navigate to Cloud Services -> Analytics, select the OpenSearch tab, and click the Add button. The Add OpenSearch Domain page displays.
In the Domain Name field, create a name for the OpenSearch domain.
In the OpenSearch Version field, select the OpenSearch version you are using.
Select your needed instance size from the Data Instance Size list box.
Enter the the instance count in the Data Instance Count field, and choose the correct zone(s) from the Zone list box.
Optionally, enter a key in the Encryption Key (Optional) field.
In the Storage (In Gb) field, enter the amount of storage needed.
If needed, select a Master Instance Count and Master Instance Size.
Use the toggle switches to enable encryption options (Require SSL/HTTPS, Use Latest TLS Cipher, or Enable Node-to-Node Encryption), if needed.
Optionally, use the toggle switch to Enable UltraWarm data nodes (nodes that are optimized for storing large volumes of data cost-effectively). When this option is enabled, additional fields display. Select a Warm Instance type, enter Number of warm data nodes, and Enable Cold Storage as your application requires.
Click Submit. The OpenSearch domain is created.
To create an OpenSearch without EBS storage, follow the steps to create an OpenSearch domain. In the Data Instance Size list box, select Other, and enter a storage type instance, For example,
. Complete the remaining steps and click Submit.
See the Logging documentation.