In DuploCloud a standard practice is to have a separate tenant for a given logical application for each deployment environment. For example, say an application called taskrunner would be created as three tenants called d-taskrunner, b-taskrunner and p-taskrunner to represent dev, beta and prod environment. In each tenant one can specify an arbitrary name for the env say “DEV” in the menu Dashboard–>ENV. This string will be set by Katkit as an ENV variable when it runs the tests during CI/CD and thus your test code can use this value to determine what tests should be run in each env or for that matter take any other action.
To use KatKit CI/CD, you need to:
Deploy the application with DuploCloud as a Service and test that it works as expected.
KatKit CI/CD is recommended only for upgrades of container images and to run tests that can be written to run either before or after.
Service Description represents the topology of a service. It is a JSON file that is used by Katkit to upgrade the running service. Go to Deployment > Services > Export. This will give a json file. Save this as servicedescription.js
under the /servicedescription
folder that must exist at the root of your repository. In this file search for "DockerImage":
and here change the image tag to the word <hubtag>
for example change "DockerImage": "nginx:latest"
to "DockerImage": "nginx:<hubtag>"
. Remove the ExtraConfig and Replicas field from the file. These have env variables and replicas which would vary from one environment to other. Hence during deployment Katkit will retain what is already present in the current running service.
Each CI/CD run comprises of one or more phases. There are two types of phases – execution and deployment. In execution phase Katkit will invoke file from the repository. The difference between two execution phases is in ENV variables based on which user code in can operate differently. There can be only one deployment phase in each run. Katkit does not run in deployment phase but it looks for the servicdescription.js
file (details below), replaces the docker image tag <hubtag> and replaces it with the git commit sha. It is assumed that the user, before invoking the deployment phase, has gone through a prior phase where they build a docker image which was tagged with the git commit sha. The sha is available as an ENV variable in every phase.
Once the above steps have been performed, you can link your GitHub Repository to your tenant. In addition to the repository name, you also need to specify the “Home Branch” which is the branch for which the PRs will be monitored by Katkit for the user to run deployments. Same repository and branch combination can be linked in several tenants. If your repository has several services for different tenants, then each service can be represented by a separate folder at the root. This is Folder Path field. Katkit looks for service description file under /servicedescription/servicedescription.js
Same repository but different folders can also be used in different tenant. Same tenant can also have different repositories.
By default, all tenant CI/CD runs are executed in a docker image specified by the administrator. This image would typically have the most common packages for your organization. But a user can bring his own builder image and specify the same. The image should have the Katkit agent that can be copied from the default builder image.
By default, Katkit will run the builder containers in a separate set of hosts, but the user can also choose to run the build container in the same tenant hosts which is being tested.
The above configuration customizations like Phases, ENV, etc. can be saved in the repository in a config file called katkitconfig.js
Following is an example of one such file
CI/CD using Katkit
DuploCloud provides a CI/CD framework that allows you to build, test and deploy your application from GitHub commits and PRs. We call it Katkit. Katkit is a arbitrary code execution engine which allows the user to run arbitrary code before and after deployment. Katkit follows the same notion of a “Tenant” or environment. Thus, tying together CI and CD. In other words, the tests are run against the application in same underlying AWS topology where one’s code is running as against running them in a separate fleet of servers which does not capture the interactions of the application with the AWS infrastructure like IAM, Security groups ELB etc.
At a high level, Katkit functions as follows:
A repository is linked to a Tenant.
User chooses a Git commit to run test and deploy
Katkit deploys a service in the same tenant with the docker image provided by DuploCloud, which is essentially like a jenkins worker and has the Katkit agent in it.
Katkit agent in the CI container checks out the code at that commit inside the container. It then executes from the checked-out code. Essentially each build is a short-lived service that is removed once the execution is over.
User can put any arbitrary code in
Katkit allows, for a given run of a commit, the user to execute code in “phases” where in each phase Katkit repeats the above steps with a difference in the ENV variables that are set in each phase. The code inside is to read the env variables and perform different actions corresponding to each phase
Katkit has a special phase called “deployment” where it does not run but it looks for the servicdescription.js file (details below), replaces the docker image tag and replaces it with the git commit sha. It is assumed that the user, before invoking the deployment phase, has gone through a prior phase where they build a docker image which was tagged with the git commit sha. The sha is available as an ENV variable in every phase.