Create a Load Balancer to expose the native Docker Service
Now that your DuploCloud Service is running, you have a mechanism to expose the containers and images in which your application resides. Since your containers are in a private network, you need a Load Balancer to make the application accessible.
In this step, we add a Load Balancer Listener to complete this network configuration.
Estimated time to complete Step 6: 15 minutes.
Before creating a Load Balancer, verify that you completed the tasks in the previous tutorial steps. Using the DuploCloud Portal, confirm that:
An Infrastructure and Plan exist, both named NONPROD.
A Tenant named dev01 has been created.
An EC2 Host named host01 has been created.
A Service named demo-service-d01 has been created.
In the Tenant list box, select dev01.
Navigate to Docker -> Services.
Select the Service demo-service-d01 that you created.
Click the Load Balancers tab.
Click the Configure Load Balancer link. The Add Load Balancer Listener pane displays.
From the Select Type list box, select Application LB.
In the Container Port field, enter 3000: the port on which the application running inside the container image (duplocloud/nodejs-hello:latest) is running.
In the External Port field, enter 80.
From the Visibility list box, select Public.
From the Application list box, select Docker Mode.
In the Health Check field, enter /, indicating that you want the Kubernetes Health Check logs written to the root directory.
From the Backend Protocol list box, select HTTP.
Click Add.
When the LB Status card displays Ready, your Load Balancer is running and ready for use.
If you want to secure the load balancer created, you can follow the steps specified here.
You can modify the DNS name by clicking Edit in the DNS Name card in the Load Balancers tab. For additional information see this page.
Create an EC2 Host in DuploCloud
Before you create your application and service using native Docker, create an EC2 Host for storage in DuploCloud.
Estimated time to complete Step 4: 5 minutes.
Before creating a Host (essentially a Virtual Machine), verify that you completed the tasks in the previous tutorial steps. Using the DuploCloud Portal, confirm that:
An Infrastructure and Plan exist, both named NONPROD.
A Tenant named dev01 has been created.
In the Tenant list box, select dev01.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Hosts. The Hosts page displays.
In the EC2 tab, click Add. The Add Host page displays.
In the Friendly Name field, enter host01.
From the Instance Type list box, select 2 CPU 4 GB - t3.medium.
Select the Advanced Options checkbox to display advanced configuration fields.
From the Agent Platform list box, select Linux/Docker Native.
From the Image ID list box, select any Docker-Duplo or Ubuntu image.
Click Add. The Host is created, initialized, and started. In a few minutes, when the Status displays Running, the Host is available for use.
Verify that host01 has a Status of Running.
Finish the Quick Start Tutorial by running a native Docker Service
This section of the tutorial shows you how to deploy a web application with a DuploCloud Docker Service, by leveraging DuploCloud platform in-built container management capability.
Instead of creating a DuploCloud Docker Service, you can alternatively finish the tutorial by:
running Docker containers.
running Docker containers.
Instead of creating a DuploCloud Service using EKS or ECS, you can deploy your application with native Docker containers and services.
To deploy your app with a DuploCloud Docker Service in this tutorial, you:
Create an EC2 host instance in DuploCloud.
Create a native Docker application and Service.
Expose the app to the web with an Application Load Balancer in DuploCloud.
Complete the tutorial by testing your application.
Estimated time to complete remaining tutorial steps: 30-40 minutes
Behind the scenes, the topology that DuploCloud creates resembles this low-level configuration in AWS.
Create a native Docker Service in the DuploCloud Portal
You can use the DuploCloud Portal to create a native Docker service without leaving the DuploCloud interface.
Estimated time to complete Step 5: 10 minutes.
Before creating a Service, verify that you completed the tasks in the previous tutorial steps. Using the DuploCloud Portal, confirm that:
An exist, both named NONPROD.
A Tenant named .
An EC2 Host named .
In the Tenant list box, select dev01.
Navigate to Docker -> Services.
Click Add. The Add Service Basic Options page displays.
In the Service Name field, enter demo-service-d01.
From the Platform list box, select Linux/Docker Native.
In the Docker Image field, enter duplocloud/nodejs-hello:latest.
From the Docker Networks list box, select Docker Default.
Click Next. The Advanced Options page displays.
Click Create.
In the Tenant list box, select dev01.
Navigate to Docker -> Services.
In the NAME column, select demo-service-d01.
Check the Current column to verify that demo-service-d01 has a status of Running.
Test the application to ensure you get the results you expect.
Estimated time to complete Step 7 and finish tutorial: 5 minutes.
Before testing your application, verify that you completed the tasks in the previous tutorial steps. Using the DuploCloud Portal, confirm that:
An exist, both named NONPROD.
A Tenant named .
An EC2 Host named .
A Service named .
A Load Balancer .
In the Tenant list box, select dev01.
Navigate to Docker -> Services. The Services page displays.
From the Name column, select demo-service-d01.
Click the Load Balancers tab. The Application Load Balancer configuration is displayed.
In the DNS status card on the right side of the Portal, click the Copy Icon ( ) to copy the DNS address displayed to your clipboard.
Open a browser instance and paste the DNS in the URL field of your browser.
Press ENTER. A web page with the text Hello World! is displayed, from the JavaScript program residing in your Docker Container running in demo-service-d01, which is exposed to the web by your Load Balancer.
It can take from five to fifteen (5-15) minutes for the DNS Name to become active once you launch your browser instance to test your application.
Congratulations! You have just launched your first web service on DuploCloud!
In this tutorial, your objective was to create a cloud environment to deploy an application for testing purposes, and to understand how the various components of DuploCloud work together.
The application rendered a simple web page with text, coded in JavaScript, from software application code residing in a Docker container. You can use this same procedure to deploy much more complex cloud applications.
In the previous steps, you:
In this tutorial, you created many artifacts for testing purposes. Clean them up so others can run this tutorial using the same names for Infrastructure and Tenant.
The NONPROD Infrastructure is deleted and you have completed the clean-up of your test environment.
On the Add Service page, you can also specify optional Environment Variables (EVs) such as databases, Hosts, ports, etc. You can also pass using EVs for testing purposes.
Once the Service is Running, you can check the logs for additional information. On the Services page, select the Containers tab, click the menu icon ( ) to the left of the container name, and select the Logs option.
named NONPROD, a Virtual Private Cloud instance, backed by an AKS-enabled Kubernetes cluster.
named dev01 in Infrastructure NONPROD. While generating the Infrastructure, DuploCloud created a set of templates () to configure multiple Azure and Kubernetes components needed for your environment.
named host01, so your application has storage resources.
named demo-service-d01 to connect the Docker containers and associated images, in which your application code resides, to the DuploCloud Tenant environment.
to expose your application via ports and backend network configurations.
as expected by testing the DNS Name exposed by the Load Balancer Listener.
To delete the dev01 tenant , then return to this page. As you learned, the Tenant segregates all work in one isolated environment, so deleting the Tenant that you created cleans up most of your artifacts.
Finish by deleting the NONPROD Infrastructure. In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Administrator -> Infrastructure. Click the Action menu icon () for the NONPROD row and select Delete.
Thanks for completing this tutorial and proceed to the next section to learn more about .