Create a read replica of your RDS database
Creating AWS RDS read replicas of your database helps you elastically scale your capacity to handle read-heavy workloads and ensure that your application can efficiently serve growing requests. Read replicas distribute read traffic across multiple instances, boosting performance by increasing aggregate read throughput and reducing the load on the primary database. Additionally, should the need arise, you can promote a read replica to a standalone database instance, enabling seamless failover and enhancing your overall database availability and resilience.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Database.
Click the RDS tab.
Click on the name of the database you want to replicate in the NAME column.
From the Actions menu, select RDS Settings, and then Add Replica. The Add read replica to: DATABASE pane displays.
In the Read Replica Name field, provide a name for the replica (the Tenant name is prefixed automatically).
From the Instance Size list box, choose a size that meets or exceeds the specifications of the database you are replicating.
Click Create. Your replica displays on the RDS tab with a status of Submitted. When the replica is ready for use, the status changes to Available.
Transforming a read replica into a standalone primary instance allows it to accept write operations and maintain data integrity without relying on the original primary. This enhances database availability and efficient scaling. DuploCloud supports promoting read replicas for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB databases.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Database.
Select the RDS tab.
Click on the name of the database you want to promote from the NAME column.
In the Actions menu, select RDS Settings, and then Promote Replica.
Click Confirm in the confirmation dialog box. The promoted replica stops replicating from the primary instance and becomes a standalone database that can accept write operations.
Create a read replica of an Aurora database
Aurora database replica setup is slightly different from adding an RDS read replica.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Database.
In the row of the RDS for which you want to add an Aurora read replica, click the ( ) icon, select RDS Settings, and then Add Replica. The Add Replica pane displays.
Follow one of these procedures to complete the serverless and MySQL replicas setup.
In the Add Replica pane, enter a name for the Serverless replica in the Replica Name field.
In the RDS Engine field, select the Aurora RDS Serverless engine you want the replica to use.
Specify Min Capacity (ACUs) and Max Capacity (ACUs).
From the RDS Instance Size list box, select the appropriate instance size.
Click Save. The replica is created with a Reader role and displayed in the RDS tab.
To modify instance sizes for an existing Aurora Serverless replica:
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Database and, in the RDS tab, locate the read replica you want to update in the Name column.
From the RDS Instance Size list box, select the appropriate instance size.
Click Save.
In the Add Replica pane, enter a name for the MySQL replica in the Replica Name field.
From the RDS Instance Size list box, select the appropriate instance size.
From the Availability Zone list box, select an availability zone
Click Save. The replica is created with a Reader role and displayed in the RDS tab.
Click the ( ) icon in the Actions column and select Update Instance Size. The Update Instance Size pane displays.