Configure GitHub

This section discusses how you can configure Github to integrate with Duplo


Deploy and test the application - To use GitHub CI/CD, deploy your application with DuploCloud as a Service and test that it works as expected.

Add Google Cloud Credentials - Add a Service Account, setting up Cloud Credentials for GCP in DuploCloud.

Obtaining and configuring an API token

To call a DuploCloud API from Github, obtain an API token.

  1. Create a Service Account user in DuploCloud. Service Account users are usernames that are not an email address, such as github-bot or my-api-user. These users do not log in, but their account owns the API token.

  2. Give the DuploCloud user access to the desired Tenant. See adding Tenant access for a user.

  3. Create an API token for that user. See creating API Tokens.

  4. Add a GitHub Repository secret that contains the DuploCloud API token.

Adding Tenant access for users

pageTenant access for users

GCP Security Account

When using GCP with a dedicated security account for pipeline access, you must make it available to the pipelines.

Creating the Service Account for GCP

  1. Select the project.

  2. Create a key for the Service Account and download the JSON credentials for use in GitHub Actions.

  3. In GitHub, navigate to Settings.

  4. Create a GitHub Actions Secret named CLOUD_CREDENTIALS with the contents pasted from the JSON credentials you downloaded from the Service Account.

  5. Create a GitHub Actions Variable named CLOUD_ACCOUNT with the Project ID or Name from GCP.

The JSON Credentials file you download has the following content:

GCP JSON Credentials file
  "type": "service_account",
  "project_id": "<project-id>",
  "private_key_id": "<private-key-id>",
  "private_key": "<private-key>",
  "client_email": "<client-email>",
  "client_id": "<client-id>",
  "auth_uri": "",
  "token_uri": "",
  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
  "client_x509_cert_url": "<client-x509-cert-url>"

Azure Security Account

Create an Azure Security Account with needed permissions in Azure Entra ID.

The JSON Credential file has the following content:

Azure JSON Credentials file
  "clientId": "<client-id>",
  "clientSecret": "<client-secret>",
  "subscriptionId": "<subscription-id>",
  "tenantId": "<tenant-id>"

Within Github Actions Settings

  • Create a Github Actions Secret named CLOUD_CREDENTIALS with the contents pasted from the json credentials you downloaded from the service account

  • Create a Github Actions Variable named CLOUD_ACCOUNT with the directory name for Azure.

Setup Duplocloud in a Workflow

To get fully setup with Duplocloud and the underlying cloud provider you use, you get everything you need setup with duplocloud/actions/setup. This action will install the cli for duplocloud and the CLI for the underlying cloud as well. Finally it will perform a safe login so subsequent steps may freely interact with duplocloud or the cloud it manages.

Here is the most basic setup for any pipeline to get started.

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      DUPLO_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.DUPLO_TOKEN }}
      DUPLO_HOST: ${{ vars.DUPLO_HOST  }}
      DUPLO_TENANT: ${{ vars.DUPLO_TENANT }}
    - name: Duplo Setup
      uses: 5
      with: # these are only needed for GCP and Azure
        account-id: ${{ vars.CLOUD_ACCOUNT }}
        credentials: ${{ secrets.CLOUD_CREDENTIALS }}

Configuring Environments for Github Actions

Github Environments are how you define different deployment environments for your workflows and how they are differ from one to the other. Here you define environment specific variables and secrets. This allows you to parameterize and secure your workflows. We highly recommend using this feature, however it is paid and therefore optional since you may not have it.

The most common use case with Duplocloud is to match up one Tenant to one Environment. Imagine we have a tenant named dev01, then you make a new environment in every repo which will deploy to it named dev01. Often times you may not even need to add any secrets or variables because we already added the DUPLO_HOST and DUPLO_TOKEN at the repo level earlier and you only need the name of the environment as the value for the DUPLO_TENANT.

This shows how to configure a job to use an environment using an input and match it up to the tenant.

name: My Workflow
        description: The environment to deploy to
        type: environment
        default: dev01
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      name: ${{ inputs.environment }}
      DUPLO_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.DUPLO_TOKEN }}
      DUPLO_HOST: ${{ vars.DUPLO_HOST  }}
      DUPLO_TENANT: ${{ inputs.environment }}
    - name: Duplo Setup
      uses: 5
      with: # these are only needed for GCP and Azure
        account-id: ${{ vars.CLOUD_ACCOUNT }}
        credentials: ${{ secrets.CLOUD_CREDENTIALS }}

The input type is environment which only works on workflow_dispatch because it provides a UI with a drop down selector for choosing from the list of configured Github Environments. On any other event type, the environment input would simply be type string and you pass in a name.


The rest of this documentation will assume that you named the GitHub repository secret DUPLO_TOKEN.

Last updated


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