Step 4: Create a Task Definition for an Application
Create a Task Definition for your application in AWS ECS
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Create a Task Definition for your application in AWS ECS
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You enabled ECS cluster creation when you created the Infrastructure. In order to create a Service using ECS, you first need to create a Task Definition that serves as a blueprint for your application.
Once you create a Task Definition, you can run it as a Task or as a Service. In this tutorial, we run the Task Definition as a Service.
Estimated time to complete Step 4: 10 minutes.
Before creating an RDS, verify that you completed the tasks in the previous tutorial steps. Using the DuploCloud Portal, confirm that:
An Infrastructure and Plan exist, both named NONPROD.
The NONPROD infrastructure has ECS Enabled.
A Tenant named dev01 has been created.
In the Tenant list box, select the dev01 Tenant.
Navigate to Cloud Services -> ECS.
In the Task Definition tab, click Add. The Add Task Definition-Basic Options area displays.
In the Name field, enter sample-task-def
From the vCPU list box, select 0.5 vCPU.
From the Memory list box, select 1 GB.
Click Next. The Advanced Options area displays.
In the Container - 1 section, enter Container Name sample-task-def-c1
In the Image field, enter duplocloud/nodejs-hello:latest
In the Port Mappings section, in the Port field, enter 3000
. Port mappings allow containers to access ports for the host container instance to send or receive traffic.
Click Create.