Configure Gitlab

This section discusses how you can configure Gitlab to integrate with Duplo


To interact with your Duplocloud Portal from GitLab CI/CD, you need to follow these steps.

1. Create Service Account

First you need a service account in your portal which has the needed permissions.

Service Accounts

Note: A 'service account' user in DuploCloud is just a user whose user name is not an email address, such as gitlab-bot or simply gitlab. These users are not able to use the web portal.

2. Save The Variables

Now we can save the information about the service account within the Gitlab CI/CD Environment variables. You mainly need to set DUPLO_HOST and DUPLO_TOKEN variables.

If using GKE or Azure you will also need CLOUD_CREDENTIALS and CLOUD_ACCOUNT which you obtain when creating a service account in step 1.

Gitlab does have the option to set these variables at a variety of level scopes; organization, group, project. For example, you can set variables at the organization level and then all projects would be able to interact with your portal.

Gitlab has a unique feature to scope variables into tiers as well. This is very useful when you have many instances of an app within some tiers like dev, stage, prod. With this you can scope a variable like this dev/* which means any Gitlab Environment with that prefix will inherit this variable. This means you can make all dev environments share the DUPLO_HOST variable. This can group tenants under namespace as well, so you can rename your dev01 tenant to be a dev/dev01 to be an environment under a tier in Gitlab CI. This is particularly useful with multiple Duplocloud Portals.


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