EKS Load Balancers
Working with Load Balancers using AWS EKS
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Working with Load Balancers using AWS EKS
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If you need to create an Ingress Load Balancer, refer to the EKS Ingress page in the DuploCloud Kubernetes User Guide.
For an end-to-end example of deploying an application using an EKS Service, see the AWS Quick Start Tutorial and choose the Creating an EKS Service option.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate Kubernetes -> Services.
On the Services page, select the Service name in the Name column.
Click the Load Balancers tab.
If no Load Balancers exist, click the Configure Load Balancer link. If other Load Balancers exist, click Add in the LB listeners card. The Add Load Balancer Listener pane displays.
From the Select Type list box, select a Load Balancer Listener type based on your Load Balancer.
Complete other fields as required and click Add to add the Load Balancer Listener.
To specify a custom classless inter-domain routing (CIDR) value for an NLB Load Balancer, edit the Load Balancer Listener configuration in the DuploCloud Portal.
Before completing this task, you must add a Load Balancer Listener of Type Network LB.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Kubernetes -> Services.
On the Services page, select the Service name in the Name column.
Click the Load Balancers tab.
Click Add in the Custom CIDR field of the Edit Load Balancer Listener pane.
Add the Custom CIDR(s) and press ENTER. In the example below and are added. After the CIDRs are added, you add Security Groups for Custom CIDR(s).
Repeat this procedure for each custom CIDR that you want to add.
Navigate to Administrator -> Infrastructure. The Infrastructure page displays.
From the Name column, select the appropriate Infrastructure.
Click the Security Group Rules tab.
Click Add to add a Security Group. The Add Tenant Security pane displays.
From the Source Type list box, select Ip Address.
From the IP CIDR list box, select Custom. A field labeled CIDR notation of allowed hosts displays.
In the CIDR Notation of allowed hosts field enter a custom CIDR and complete the other required fields.
Click Add to add the Security Group containing the custom CIDR.
Repeat this procedure to add additional CIDRs.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Networking.
Click the Load Balancer tab.
Click Add. The Create a Load Balancer pane displays.
In the Name field, enter a name for the Load Balancer.
From the Type list box, select a Load Balancer type.
From the Visibility list box, select Public or Internal.
Click Create.
Instead of creating a unique Load Balancer for each Service you create, you can share a single Load Balancer between multiple Services. This is helpful when your applications run distributed microservices where the requests use multiple services and route traffic based on application URLs, which you can define with Load Balancer Listener Rules.
To accomplish this, you:
Create a Service Load Balancer with the type Target Group Only. This step creates a Service Load Balancer that includes a Target Group with a pre-defined name.
Create a Shared Load Balancer with the Target Group that was defined.
Create routing rules for the Shared Load Balancer and the Target Group it defines.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate Kubernetes -> Services.
On the Services page, select the Service name in the Name column.
Click the Load Balancers tab.
If no Load Balancers exist, click the Configure Load Balancer link. If other Load Balancers exist, click Add in the LB listeners card. The Add Load Balancer Listener pane displays.
From the Select Type list box, select Target Group Only.
You can create a Load Balancer Listener with a type of Target Group Only for Docker Mode or Native EKS and ECS Services based on your application requirement. Complete the other required fields and click Add.
The Target Group Only Service Load Balancer is displayed in the LB Listeners area in the Load Balancers tab on the Services page.
Add a Shared Load Balancer before performing this procedure.
Navigate to Cloud Services -> Networking page.
Select the Load Balancer tab.
Select the Shared Load Balancer you created from the NAME column. The Load Balancer details page displays.
Select the Listeners tab, and click Add. The Load Balancer Listener pane displays.
In the Port field, enter the port number for incoming traffic (e.g., 80
or 443
In the Protocol list box, select the protocol to use (e.g., HTTP or HTTPS).
In the Action Type list box, select Forward to Target Group.
In the Forward Target Group list box, select the Target Group that was created when you added a Load Balancer with the Type Target Group Only in the previous step.
Click Save. The Shared Load Balancer for the Target Group displays in the Listeners tab.
Create a Shared Load Balancer for the Target Group before performing this procedure.
Rules are not supported for Network Load Balancers (NLBs).
Navigate to Cloud Services -> Networking page.
Select the Load Balancer tab.
Select the Shared Load Balancer you created from the NAME column. The Load Balancer details page displays.
Select the Listeners tab.
Click Add. The Add LB Listener rule page displays.
Create routing rules for the Target Group by setting appropriate Conditions. Add Routing Rules by specifying Rule Type and Values. Specify the Forward Target Group and specify Priority for multiple rules.
Click Submit.
View the rules you defined for any Shared Load Balancer.
In the DuploCloud portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Networking.
Select the Load Balancer tab.
From the Name column, select the Load Balancer whose rules you want to view.
Update attributes for your defined Target Group.
In the DuploCloud portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Networking.
Select the Load Balancer tab.
From the Name column, select the Load Balancer whose defined Target Group attributes you want to modify.
The Update Target Group Attributes pane displays.
Find the attribute you want to update in the Attribute column and update the associated value in the Value column.
Click Update to save the changes.
To enable stickiness, complete steps 1-5 for Updating Target Group Attributes above. On the Update Target Group Attributes pane, in the Value field for stickiness.enabled, enter true. Update additional stickiness attributes, if needed. Click Update to save the changes.
You can use the Other Settings card in the DuploCloud Portal to set the following features:
Enable HTTP to HTTPS redirects
Enable Access Logging
Set Idle Timeout
Drop invalid headers
Delete Protection
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Kubernetes -> Services. The Services page displays.
Select the Service to which your Load Balancer is attached from the NAME column.
Click the Load Balancers tab.
In the Other Settings card, click Edit.
The Other Load Balancer Settings pane displays.
Configure the settings, as needed.
Click Save. The Load Balancer settings are updated.
In the LB Listeners area, select the Edit Icon () for the NLB Load Balancer you want to edit. The Edit Load Balancer Listener pane displays.
Note the name of the created Target Group by clicking the Info Icon ( ) for the Load Balancer in the LB Listener card and searching for the string TgName
. You will select the Target Group when you create a Shared Load Balancer for the Target Group.
Click the menu icon ( ) next to the listener you want to add rules for, and select Manage Rules. The Listener Rules page displays.
In the Listeners tab, in the appropriate Target Group row, click the Actions menu ( ) and select Manage Rules.
In the Listeners tab, in the appropriate Target Group row, click the Actions menu ( ) and select Update Target Group attributes.