Step 5: Create a Service
Create a native Docker Service in the DuploCloud Portal
You can use the DuploCloud Portal to create a native Docker service without leaving the DuploCloud interface.
Estimated time to complete Step 5: 10 minutes.
Before creating a Service, verify that you accomplished the tasks in the previous tutorial steps. Using the DuploCloud Portal, confirm that:
An Infrastructure and Plan exist, both with the name NONPROD.
A Tenant with the name dev01 has been created.
An EC2 Host with the name host01 has been created.
Select the Tenant you created
In the Tenant list box, on the upper-left side of the DuploCloud Portal, select the dev01 Tenant that you created.
Creating a Service using Native Docker
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Docker -> Services.
Click Add. The Add Service Basic Options page displays.
In the Service Name field, enter demo-service-d01.
From the Platform list box, select Linux/Docker Native.
In the Docker Image field, enter duplocloud/nodejs-hello:latest.
From the Docker Networks list box, select Docker Default.
Click Next. The Advanced Options page displays.
Click Create.
On the Add Service Basic Options page, you can also specify optional Environment Variables (EVs) such as database Host, port, and so on. You can also pass Docker credentials using EVs for testing purposes.
Checking your work
Verify that demo-service-d01 has a Current Status of Running.
Last updated