Enable kubectl Shell
Enable access to the DuploCloud shell for your GCP account
Enabling DuploCloud shell access in GCP is part of a one-time DuploCloud portal setup process.
Step 1: Create a DuploCloud Service
Go under the tools tenant, create a node pool and create a new DuploCloud Service called kubectl.
To create a node pool, select the Tools tenant at the top drop down and then navigate to Kubernetes --> Nodes --> Node Pool
Under the GCP VM Tab you will soon see VM running
Next navigate to Kubernetes -> Services on the left nav bar.
Click Add. The Add Service page displays.
From the table below, enter the values that correspond to the fields on the Add Service page. Accept all other default values for fields not specified.
In the Environment Variables field, enter the following YAML. Replace the flask app secret (b33d13ab-5b46-443d-a19d-asdfsd443 in this example) with a string of random numbers and letters in the same format and replace CUSTOMER_PREFIX with your customer URL prefix.
Click Next. The Advanced Options page displays.
Click Create. The Service is created.
Step 2: Create a LoadBalancer of type Cluster IP and Ingress
Click on the service name under Kubernetes --> Services page and you will see under the containers tab that the container is in running state. Then click on the load balancer tab and add a new one of type Cluster IP; external and container port should be 80. Backend protocol as TCP and health check as /duplo_auth. Click on the Advanced Kuberentes settings and check box "Set HealthCheck annotations for Ingress"
Step 4: Add Ingress
Step 4: Add the DNS name to System Settings
Navigate to Administrator -> Systems Settings.
Select the System Config tab, and click Add.
From the Config Type list box, select AppConfig.
From the Key list box, select Other.
In the second Key field, enter DuploShellfqdn
In the Value field, paste the DNS you copied from the Ingress details page.
Click Submit. DuploCloud shell access is enabled in GCP.
Last updated