DuploCloud Azure Product Demo
View the full DuploCloud Azure Product Demo video.
Now, let's take a look at a product demo where we deploy a microservices-based infrastructure in Azure.
Start by considering a high-level application diagram with a dedicated VNet and subnets each with one network security group, located in the East US region.
Docker containers are to be provisioned on Azure's AKS with Azure MySQL and storage as the data stores. Secrets are stored in Azure's Key Vault and the app is exposed via App Gateway.
We show integrated logging, monitoring, and alerting.
We'll integrate with Azure Defender for monitoring of the security posture and compliance reporting.
Finally, we showcase the CI/CD pipeline using Azure DevOps.
Now that we've gone through the desired architecture. Let's get to work.
We start by logging in to create the base infrastructure.
That includes VNet, AKS cluster, Log Analytics workspace, among other things.
With the simplified high-level specification, the platform will generate the low-level details in Azure.
We then move to deploy the application.
We start by creating a logical workspace or an environment that we call a Tenant.
We are creating a Tenant called Invoice in the finance infrastructure that we just created. Behind the scenes, for each Tenant a unique managed identities, resource groups, Kubernetes namespace, applications Security Group, and other constructs are generated by the platform.
Next, we can switch to an Invoice application.
Here we're going to create an Azure agent pool for Azure Kubernetes.
Notice that the user only needs to provide high-level specifications. Behind the scenes, the platform will configure encryption, link to managed identity, Log Analytics workspace connection, and other Azure best practices.
We can then move to create a storage account. Again, the user specifies a high-level configuration while the platform generates the details and security best practices.
You can then do things like creating file shares and access shared keys.
We then move on to create a SQL database. It will also set up backups, encryption, VNet endpoints, and other recommended practices behind the scenes.
Next, we move to deploy the first Docker-based microservice.
Here, again, the user provides an application-centric specification while the platform auto-generates Kubernetes and Azure configurations that include the deployment or stateful sets, node ports, Ingress controls, and other such infrastructure details.
We then expose the application via load balancer. Note that you only have to provide the high-level specifications and do not have to worry about the low-level implementation details.
Many other functions are built into the platform. For example, you can take a quick look at the container tail logs.
Or, get into the Container shell.
And you can get access to kubectl all secured and locked down to this Tenant’s namespace.
As we have completed the deployment, let's do a sanity test.
Our application works.
Important diagnostic functions are built into the platform.
For example, we can look at the metrics of various resources that is set up automatically by orchestrating Grafana, Prometheus, Azure Monitoring, and Log Analytics workspace.
Logging is implemented via Elasticsearch and Kibana. Here, one, you could see the logs automatically collected and separated by Tenant and by Service.
Note that all of this is done without any manual effort and comes out of the box.
Next, businesses in highly regulated Industries need to implement an exhaustive list of compliance controls.
DuploCloud comes with the SIEM, and you can see all these controls have automatically been met.
There's an audit trail and application-specific context.
Here we are showing all the changes in the Invoice Tenant.
CI/CD is a layer on top of DuploCloud, and any CI/CD system could be leveraged for scripts would invoke duplicate API calls for deployments.
Finally, everything we saw via the UI can also be done via DuploCloud’s Terraform provider, with a fraction of the code or expertise that would have otherwise been required.
For further information or more demos visit the DuploCloud website at duplocloud.com.
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