Configure Auto-reboot
Automatically reboot a host upon StatusCheck faults or Host disconnection
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Automatically reboot a host upon StatusCheck faults or Host disconnection
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Configure hosts to be rebooted automatically if the following occurs:
EC2 Status Check - Applicable for Docker Native and EKS Nodes. The Host is rebooted in the specified interval when a StatusCheck
fault is identified.
Kubernetes (K8s) Nodes are disconnected: Applicable for EKS Nodes only. The Host is rebooted in the specified interval when a Host Disconnected
fault is identified.
You can configure host Auto Reboot features for a particular Tenant and for a Host.
When you configure an Auto Reboot feature for both Tenant and Host, the Host level configuration takes precedence over the configuration at the Tenant level.
Use the following procedures to configure Auto Reboot at the Tenant level.
Configure the Auto Reboot feature at the Tenant for Docker Native and EKS Node-based Hosts, to reboot when a StatusCheck
fault is identified.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Administrator -> Tenant. The Tenant page displays.
Select a Tenant with access to the Host for which you want to configure Auto Reboot.
Click the Settings tab.
Click Add. The Add Tenant Feature pane displays.
From the Select Feature list box, select Enable Auto Reboot EC2 status check.
In the field below the Select Feature list box, enter the time interval in minutes after which the host automatically reboots after a StatusCheck
fault is identified. Enter zero (0) to disable this configuration.
Click Add. The configuration is displayed in the Settings tab.
Configure the Auto Reboot feature at the Tenant for EKS node-based Hosts, to reboot when a Host Disconnected
fault is identified.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Administrator -> Tenant. The Tenant page displays.
Select a Tenant with access to the Host for which you want to configure Auto Reboot.
Click the Settings tab.
Click Add. The Add Tenant Feature pane displays.
From the Select Feature list box, select Enable Auto Reboot K8s Nodes if disconnected.
In the field below the Select Feature list box, enter the time interval in minutes after which the host automatically reboots when a Host Disconnected
fault is identified. Enter zero (0) to disable this configuration.
Click Add. The configuration is displayed in the Settings tab.
Use the following procedures to configure Auto Reboot at the Host level.
Configure the Auto Reboot feature on the Host level for Docker Native and EKS Node-based Hosts, to reboot when a StatusCheck
fault is identified.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Hosts. The Hosts page displays.
Click the appropriate tab for your Host type and select the Host for which you want to configure Auto Reboot.
Click the Actions menu and select Host Settings -> Update Auto Reboot Status Check. The Set Auto Reboot Status Check Time pane displays.​
In the Auto Reboot Status Check field, enter the time interval in minutes after which the host automatically reboots after a StatusCheck
fault is identified. Enter zero (0) to disable this configuration.
Click Set.
Configure the Auto Reboot feature on the Host level for EKS node-based Hosts, to reboot when a Host Disconnected
fault is identified.
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Hosts. The Hosts page displays.
Click the appropriate tab for your Host type and select the Host for which you want to configure Auto Reboot.
Click the Actions menu and select Host Settings -> Update Auto Reboot Disconnected. The Set Auto Reboot Status Check Time pane displays.​
In the Auto Reboot Time field, enter the time interval in minutes after which the host automatically reboots when a Host Disconnected
fault is identified. Enter zero (0) to disable this configuration.
Click Set.
To remove or edit an Auto Reboot Tenant-level configuration, click the () icon and select Edit Setting or Remove Setting.