Creating an EKS Service
Finish the Quick Start Tutorial by creating an EKS Service
So far in this DuploCloud AWS tutorial, you created a VPC network with configuration templates (Infrastructure and Plan), an isolated workspace (Tenant), and an RDS database instance (optionally).
Now you need to create a DuploCloud Service on top of your Infrastructure and configure it to run and deploy your application. In this tutorial path, we'll deploy an application using Docker containers and leveraging AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).
Alternatively, you can finish this tutorial by:
Creating an AWS ECS Service in DuploCloud running Docker containers
For a deeper comparison of EKS and ECS, consult this AWS blog.
Estimated time to complete remaining tutorial steps: 30-40 minutes
Deploying an AWS EKS Service in DuploCloud
For the remaining steps in this tutorial, you will:
Create a Host (EC2 Instance) to serve as an AWS EKS worker node.
Create a Service and application using the premade Docker image:
Expose the Service by creating and sharing a Load Balancer and DNS name.
Test the application.
Obtain access to the container shell and
for debugging.
Network Architecture and Configurations
The topology that DuploCloud creates behind the scenes resembles this low-level configuration in AWS.

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