Product Updates
New features and enhancements in DuploCloud
Q1 2025
Create and manage Target Groups for EC2 Instances, IPs, and ALB Load Balancers (AWS).
Support for ElastiCache Valkey.
Set Retry and Expiration Limits for Asynchronous Lambda Invocations.
Support for Modifying ASG Launch Templates.
Customize CloudWatch metrics for AWS Auto Scaling Groups (ASG).
Support for SNS with FIFO (First-In-First-Out) topics.
Create scheduled snapshot windows for automated backups in AWS Redis.
Support for taints with EKS Hosts or Agent Pools.
Download inventory reports of all AWS resources (for StateRAMP compliance).
Support for Lambda JAR with S3.
Support for aurora-iopt1 storage type in Aurora RDS.
Force delete and update settings options added for ECR repositories.
Select and update Certificate Authorities for RDS instances.
Specify an initial database during RDS instance creation.
Support for serverless Kafka clusters for AWS users.
Support for configuring S3 bucket replication rules.
Update RDS Performance Insights.
Update ECR repository settings.
Support for adding TLS Hosts and TLS Secrets fields when configuring an Ingress for EKS.
Automatically redirect incoming HTTP requests to HTTPS for EKS Ingress.
Support for ECS with EC2 Capacity Provider.
Add new secret versions in Azure Key Vault.
Support for Azure Databricks.
Support for Azure Container Registry.
Support for Azure Availability Sets.
Support for Azure Data Factory.
Enable autoscaling in the AKS default node pool.
Automatically redirect incoming HTTP requests to HTTPS for AKS Ingress.
Enable automation to retain backups when a Cloud SQL instance is deleted.
Support for GCP Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Peering.
Support for SNS Pub/Sub topic subscriptions.
Support for Running Jobs and CronJobs on Shared Hosts in AWS and Shared VMs in Azure.
Add custom Kubernetes labels to nodes in AWS at the host or Auto Scaling Group (ASG) level.
Support for initContainers and additionalContainers (Sidecar Containers) with K8s Services.
Support for rolling back container images for DuploCloud Services.
Force sync Okta changes to immediately apply updates.
DuploCloud UI redesign: updates to navigation, breadcrumbs, menus, and general appearance.
Q4 2024
DuploCloud's Advanced Observability Suite (AOS) is available as an add-on service.
Q3 2024
Set max number of Pods for Azure Agent Pools.
Support for Table, Queue, and Container storage types within Azure Storage Accounts.
Specify OS disk size when creating a GCE VM.
Add Helm repositories and install Helm releases from the DuploCloud UI.
Q2 2024
Support for Amazon OpenSearch Service domain without EBS (Elastic Block Store).
Configure admin-only access to the SSH key.
Support for secondary indexes when using DynamoDB databases.
Set a maximum RDS instance size in Systems Settings.
Set up Billing Alerts.
Specify a Lambda architecture when creating a Lambda function.
Support for Instance (Worker Nodes) or IP (Pod IPs) target types when creating an EKS Ingress.
Support for Azure VM Disk Controller.
Specify the cluster type, node VM size, and outbound connectivity source when creating an AKS cluster.
Support for private DNS zones.
Configure private endpoints for MSSQL Server databases.
Support for Azure agent pools with availability zones.
Configure Redis databases with public network access.
Support for PostgreSQL Flexible Server databases.
Support for Azure Application Gateway SSL policies with AKS Ingress for ALB Load Balancers.
Support for private endpoints with Azure Storage Account.
Specify the AKS version and Network plugin when enabling the AKS cluster.
Specify the node resource group when configuring an AKS cluster.
Specify a computer name when creating a Host.
Select single, or multi-region data location types for GCP Storage buckets.
Configure the minimum number of ports per VM instance.
Integrate DuploCloud-managed K8s clusters with FluxCD.
Support for migration from Flux v1 to Flux v2 for FluxCD users.
Configure read-only access to K8s Secrets.
Create and manually run a K8s Job from a Kubernetes CronJob.
Support for DaemonSet with GCP or AWS.
Enhanced access to DuploCloud help options from the DuploCloud Platform.
Configure user access to multiple Tenants with one step.
Configure Okta as a user source for the DuploCloud Portal.
Customize the text on the login button for custom banners.
Q1 2024
Configure Automatic Failover for Redis.
Synch AWS Redis with Amazon CloudWatch Logs for automatic log delivery.
Configure AWS JIT session timeout using an IAM role.
Enable automatic AWS ACM (SSL) Certificates for a Plan.
Configure K8s Ingress redirect using a container port name.
Enable UltraWarm Data nodes for OpenSearch domains.
Support for upgrading EKS components (add-ons).
Add a Web App Firewall URL when creating or updating a Plan.
Create an OpenSearch domain.
Create Lambdas with Ephemeral Storage.
Support for Lambda Dead Letter Queues.
Set a delivery delay for SQS Queues, using increments of seconds.
Configure Vanta compliance controls for DuploCloud Tenants.
Support for OpenSearch storage options.
Security Configurations Settings documentation section added.
Cluster IP and Worker Node target types are supported when creating EKS Ingress.
Additional supported actions for Cloud SQL databases (GCP Console, Edit, Delete, Stop, Restart, or Reset Password)
GKE Standard mode is supported when creating DuploCloud Infrastructures.
Support for Firestore databases.
Create Node Pools with support for accelerators and taints.
Support for GKE Ingress.
Support for NIST-800-171 compliance.
Set Tenants to expire at specified dates and times.
Configure settings for all new Tenants under a Plan using Tenant Config tab.
Q4 2023
Enable Spot Instances for EKS Autoscaling Groups (ASG).
Implement Kubernetes Lifecycle Hooks while Adding a DuploCloud EKS/Native Service.
Enable shared hosts to allow K8s Pods in a Tenant to run on Hosts in another Tenant.
Set a default automated backup retention period for RDS databases.
Enable bucket versioning when creating an S3 bucket.
Create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI).
Use dedicated hosts to launch Amazon EC2 instances and provide additional visibility and control over how instances are placed on a physical server.
Automatically reboot a host upon Status Check faults or Host disconnection.
Support for SNS Topic Alerts, enabling notifications and alerts across different AWS services and external endpoints.
Establish VPN connections for private endpoints when creating an Infrastructure.
Restore an RDS to a particular point in time.
Dynamically change the configuration of a Kafka Cluster.
Fields for Sort Key and Key Type are now available when creating a DynamoDB.
Create a MySQL Flexible Server managed database service.
Add an Azure Service Bus.
Follow logs for K8s containers in real-time.
Influence Pod scheduling by specifying K8s YAML for Pod Toleration.
Create Kubernetes Jobs (K8s Jobs) in AWS and GCP to manage short-lived, batch workloads in a Kubernetes cluster.
Create Kubernetes CronJobs in AWS and GCP to schedule long-term K8s Jobs to run at preset intervals.
General updates
The DuploCloud UI contains numerous design, navigation, and usability improvements, including new menus for managing an RDS, Containers, and Hosts. These improvements are cross-platform and apply to AWS, Azure, and GCP.
Quickly search the DuploCloud Portal for any navigation menus or tab labels, such as Kubernetes Secrets and Spend by Month, using the Search box at the top center of the DuploCloud Portal.
Refer to the Supported Third-Party Tools page for a list of out-of-the-box functionalities DuploCloud supports.
DuploCloud no longer supports launch configurations. Instead, launch templates are created. If you use launch configurations, DuploCloud automatically converts them to launch templates with no interruption in uptime.
August 2023 and September 2023
Hibernate an EC2 host instance.
June 2023 and July 2023
Set a monitoring interval for an RDS database.
Enable or disable logging for an RDS database.
Add custom Lambda image configurations and URLs.
Enable Object Lock in S3 Buckets to prevent objects from being deleted or overwritten.
Configure a custom S3 Bucket for auditing.
Customize a Node Selector for EKS Services to prevent overrides of specific configurations.
Access ECS container task shells directly from the DuploCloud Portal.
Ability to designate Essential Containers in Task definitions for ECS Services.
Automate fault healing on EC2 Hosts that fail a status check.
Enhanced support for Startup Probes.
Support for Redis database instances.
Support for SQL databases.
Change Cloud Armour Security Policies.
General updates
Last Login card available for determining the last user sign-in when viewing user access.
Grant access to specific databases to non-administrators.
May 2023
Enable EKS endpoints in a DuploCloud Infrastructure, in a more cost-effective and secure manner. Enabling endpoints in DuploCloud allows your network communication to remain internal to the network, without using NAT gateways.
Multiple containers are now supported in the ECS Task Definitions tab.
Start, stop, and restart up to twenty (20) services at one time.
Add VPC Endpoints to a DuploCloud Infrastructure to create a private connection to supported AWS services and VPC endpoint services powered by AWS PrivateLink.
Define S3 bucket policies.
Support for Lambda Layers has been added.
CloudWatch EventBridge rules and targets are supported.
The CloudFront feature and associated UI tab have been relocated in the DuploCloud Portal from the Cloud Services -> App Integration menu item to the Cloud Services -> Networking menu item.
Support for Redis databases is available.
Cloud Armour is supported, to monitor your cloud infrastructures and deployed applications against cyber-attacks.
April 2023
Define custom CIDRs for NLB Load Balancers.
Manage multiple Load Balancer settings using the Load Balancer tab's Other Settings card. Settings include specifying a Web Application Firewall (WAF) Access Control List (ACL), enabling HTTP to HTTPS redirects, enabling Access Logs, setting an Idle Timeout, and an option to drop invalid headers.
Specify custom public and private EKS endpoints for your DuploCloud Infrastructure during or after creating an Infrastructure.
JIT Access to the AWS Console is redesigned with several usability enhancements.
Support for Aurora RDS Serverless and MySQL read replicas and ability to modify Serverless replica instance size.
Improved documentation for upgrading an EKS cluster version.
Add a direct link to the Azure Console from the DuploCloud Host page.
General Updates
Set read-only access to specific Tenants for DuploCloud users.
March 2023
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) peering is supported to facilitate data transfer between VPCs.
EMR Serverless is supported to run open-source big data analytics frameworks without configuring, managing, and scaling clusters or servers.
DuploCloud users can obtain Just-In-Time (JIT) access to the AWS Console.
AWS SQS Standard and FIFO queues are now supported.
Use the DuploCloud Portal to work with AWS Internet of Things (IoT).
Support for Redis database versions when creating Elastic Cache (Ecache).
Enable shell access for ECS, Kubernetes, and Native docker containers using a simplified workflow.
Reduce storage cost and increase performance by setting GP3 as your default storage class.
Updated documentation for supported databases.
Documentation for Bitbucket Pipelines is available, which allows developers to automatically build, test, and deploy their code every time they push changes to an Atlassian Bitbucket repository.
February 2023
Enable Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) for your existing infrastructure. EKS versions 1.22 and 1.23 are supported.
Timestream databases are now supported.
General updates
Delete VPN connections for users.
December 2022 and January 2023
AWS ElastiCache, a managed caching service for Redis and Memcached, is now supported.
Monitor Tenant usage in Cost Management for billing with weekly or monthly views. After clicking the Spend by Tenant tab, select the shared card to display tax and support costs.
Maintain cluster stability with Ingress Health Checks annotations.
Support for Kubernetes Ingress.
Monitor Tenant usage in the Cost Management for billing feature with weekly or monthly views.
Edit Azure agent pools, used to run Azure Kubernetes (AKS) workloads.
Monitor Tenant usage in the Cost Management for billing feature with weekly or monthly views.
Kubernetes (K8s)
Support for Kubernetes Ingress in Azure.
Maintain cluster stability with Ingress Health Checks annotations for AWS.
Use the K8s Admin dashboard to monitor StatefulSets in AWS.
Edit Azure agent pools, used to run Azure Kubernetes (AKS) workloads.
November 2022
Ability to add Path-Based Routing rules: Configure path-based routing rules for application load balancers.
Support for Aurora Serverless V2: User can create and manage Aurora Serverless V2 RDS.
Billing License Usage: Overview of DuploCloud License Usage according to current service usage.
October 2022
Ability to add Logging Infra at Tenant Level: Support to configure logging setup other than default tenant.
Support multiple docker registry credentials in a single tenant: The user can configure multiple docker registry credentials from the plan.
September 2022
Support for Amazon Managed Apache Airflow: Ability to configure AWS Managed Airflow
Configure custom prefix for S3: Ability to configure a prefix for S3 bucket names.
Azure Support to add Storage account: Create Storage Accounts, File Shares, and generate Shared Access Signature (SAS).
Multiple Azure User Enhancements were made.
August 2022
Support for Elastic File System (EFS): Support for adding EFS has been added to DuploCloud. You can create and mount a shared filesystem for an Infrastructure in the DuploCloud Portal.
Support for adding Kubernetes Storage Class: Support for Kubernetes Storage Class and Persistent Volumes is now available.
Support for Kubernetes Secret Provider Class: This provides the ability to integrate AWS parameters and secrets to be available as Kubernetes secrets.
Ability to add Lambda using Container Images: Users can now configure an AWS Lambda using Container images.
Support to configure RDS Automatic Backup Retention: Administrators can configure RDS Automatic Backup Retention in days at the system level
Export Terraform from an existing Tenant: Ability to export DuploCloud terraform provider code for an existing DuploCloud Tenant
July 2022
Ability to Automatically generate Alert: Users can now configure automated alarm creation in AWS, to ensure new resources are included in monitoring.
Ability to set resource allocation quotas by an Admin: Administrators would often like to restrict the type of resources that should or should not be provisioned in their environments. This feature allows them to configure those rules via a DuploCloud Plan.
Support for Kubernetes Ingress Controller: Support for the K8s Ingress controller has been added, this is a key piece of functionality for traffic routing to a K8s cluster.
RDS Snapshot Management: Support for RDS database snapshots was added to the DuploCloud Portal, accessible through the RDS page.
Terraform Provider updates: Expanded support for more resources in the DuploCloud terraform provider, specifically for Microsoft Azure.
Last updated
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