
A conceptual overview of DuploCloud Infrastructures

Infrastructures are abstractions that allow you to create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) instance in the DuploCloud Portal. When you create an Infrastructure, a Plan (with the same Infrastructure name) to supply the network configuration that runs your Infrastructure is automatically created and populated with the Infrastructure configuration.

For instructions to create an Infrastructure in the DuploCloud Portal, see:

Each Infrastructure represents a network connection to a unique VPC/VNET, in a region with a Kubernetes cluster. For AWS, it can also include an ECS. An Infrastructure can be created with four basic inputs: Name, VPC CIDR, Number of AZs, Region, and a choice to enable or disable a K8S/ECS cluster.

When you create an Infrastructure, DuploCloud automatically creates the following components:

  • VPC with two subnets (private, public) in each availability zone

  • Required security groups

  • NAT Gateway

  • Internet Gateway

  • Route tables

  • VPC peering with the master VPC, which is initially configured in DuploCloud

Additional requirements like custom Private/Public Subnet CIDRs can be configured in the Advanced Options area.

A common use case is two Infrastructures: one for Prod and one for Nonprod. Another is having an Infrastructure in a different region for disaster recovery or localized client deployments.

Plans and Infrastructures

Once an Infrastructure is created, DuploCloud automatically creates a Plan (with the same Infrastructure name) with the Infrastructure configuration. The Plan is used to create Tenants.

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