Login Banner Customization

Customize or update the banner text on your DuploCloud login screen

Adding custom login banner text

  1. Navigate to Administrator -> Systems Settings.

  2. Click on the System Config tab.

  3. Click Add. The Add Config pane displays.

  4. In the Config Type list box, select AppConfig.

  5. In the Key list box, select LoginBannerText.

If LoginBannerText is not found in the Key list box, select Other from the Key list box and enter LoginBannerText in the second Key field that displays as shown in the example.

  1. In the Value field, enter the text that you want to display on your DuploCloud login screen banner.

  1. Click Submit. The text entered in the Value field displays in the banner on your DuploCloud login screen.

Updating custom login banner text

  1. Navigate to Administrator -> Systems Settings.

  2. Click on the System Config tab.

  1. The Update Config AppConfig pane displays.

  2. Update the text in the Value field and click Submit.

  1. The configuration is updated and the updated text displays on your DuploCloud login screen banner.

Last updated


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