KubeCtl Token

Set up KubeCtl within the DuploCloud Portal by downloading the token and configuring Mirantis Lens for DuploCloud authentication.

KubeCtl Token and Mirantis Lens Configuration

Downloading the KubeCtl token

DuploCloud lets you connect directly to the Cluster namespace using the kubectl token. This facilitates direct interaction with your Kubernetes cluster through a command-line interface.

If you attempt to start a KubeCtl Shell instance and receive a 503 in your web browser, ensure that the Duplo-shell Service in the Default Tenant and the Hosts that support it are running.

  1. In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Kubernetes -> Services.

  2. From the KubeCtl list box, select KubeCtl Token. The Token window displays. Copy the contents to your clipboard.

Configuring Mirantis Lens for DuploCloud Authentication

To enhance your Kubernetes management experience, you can integrate Mirantis Lens with DuploCloud by following these steps:

  1. Install DuploCloud Client: Ensure the duploctl command-line tool is installed. If not, use the pip install duplocloud-client command to install it.

  2. Install Lens Client: Download and install the Lens Kubernetes IDE client from its official website.

  3. Generate Kubeconfig File: Usingduploctl, generate a kubeconfig file for Lens connection, as follows:

    duploctl jit update_kubeconfig --plan nonprod01 --tenant $DUPLO_TENANT --host https://$DUPLO_HOST --token $DUPLO_TOKEN
  4. Add Kubeconfig to Lens: In Lens, navigate to Catalog and use the + button to add the kubeconfig file and configure Lens to connect to your Kubernetes cluster.

  5. Connect to the Cluster: Lens will prompt for a login through a browser window. For private EKS cluster authentication, ensure VPN connectivity.

Note: Disconnect from the cluster after your session to avoid repeated browser tab openings during re-authentication attempts.

Integrating Mirantis Lens with DuploCloud enhances your Kubernetes cluster management by providing a powerful graphical interface alongside the direct command-line access provided by the kubectl token.

Last updated


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