Certificates for Load Balancer and Ingress

Create global and regional SSL certificates for CGP deployments

Applications deployed in the GCP environment must be exposed using SSL/TLS. To expose these applications, we provide GCP with certificates that can be used for Load Balancers and GKE ingress. In this step, we'll create an SSL certificate for the domain associated with the hosted zone you created earlier.


  • Obtain the public and private certificate files from your chosen SSL certificate provider, such as GoDaddy or Namecheap. We recommend obtaining a wildcard SSL certificate for the domain associated with your hosted zone (e.g., .apps.acme.com) to cover all subdomains. For example, if your DNS zone is for apps.acme.com, you should issue a wildcard certificate for *.apps.acme.com to secure all subdomains.

Creating a Global Certificate for Public-Facing Load Balancers

Create global and regional SSL certificates in the GCP Console using the Classic Certificates method.

Alternatively, you can use the Certificate Manager to create a Certificate Map for managing SSL certificates, which provides a more streamlined and validated approach. For details, see the instructions for creating a Certificate Map.

  1. Log in to the GCP Console.

  2. Navigate to Certificate Manager, and click Classic Certificates.

  3. Click on Create SSL Certificate.

  4. Provide the certificate with a name and upload the public and private key certificate files obtained in the prerequisite.

    • As a best practice, name the certificate global-<DNS Domain name>, where the dots (.) are replaced with hyphens (-). For example, if your domain is example.com, name the certificate global-example-com.

  5. Note the name of the global certificate for use in future steps.

Creating a Regional Certificate for Private/Internal Load Balancers

  1. From the GCP Console, open the GCP Cloud Shell by clicking on the Cloud Shell icon in the top right corner.

  2. Once the Cloud Shell opens, create the following files:

    • public.cert Paste the content of the public certificate into this file.

    • private.key Paste the content of the private key into this file.

  3. Run the following command to create a regional SSL certificate:

gcloud compute ssl-certificates create uscentral1-internal-acme-com --certificate=chain.crt --private-key=key.pem --region=us-central 
  • As a best practice, name the certificate using the format <region>-<DNS Domain name>, where the dots (.) in the domain name are replaced with hyphens (-). For example, for the us-central region and domain acme.com, the certificate should be named uscentral1-internal-acme-com.

  1. After running the command, refresh the Classic Certificates page in the GCP Console. Both global and regional certificates should now be listed.

  2. Note the certificate names for use in future steps.

Adding Certificates in DuploCloud

Add multiple domains to the SSL certificate. This is especially useful for domain names that differ from the internal zone you set up in the previous step. This allows you to secure your primary domain and any other domains you may use for your applications or services.

  1. Log in to the DuploCloud Portal.

  2. Navigate to Administrator -> Plans.

  3. Select the Certificates tab, and click Add.

  4. Add the global and regional certificates, one at a time You can name them the same names you used in the GCP portal. For each certificate, choose the type LB SSL Certificate.

  5. Click Create. The GCP certificates are added to your DuploCloud Portal.

Last updated


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