VPN Setup
Integrate with OpenVPN by provisioning VPN users
DuploCloud integrates natively with OpenVPN by provisioning VPN users that you add to the Duplocloud Portal. OpenVPN setup is a two-step process.
Accept OpenVPN
Accept OpenVPN Free tier (Bring Your Own License) in the GCP marketplace:
Log into your GCP account. In the console, navigate to: https://console.cloud.google.com/marketplace?_ga=2.26702909.1494282976.1678740607-1491144562.1675196305&pli=1.
Accept the agreement.
Provision the VPN
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Administrator -> System Settings.
Click the VPN tab.
Click Provision VPN.
After the OpenVPN is provisioned, it is ready to use. Behind the scenes, DuploCloud launches a cloud formation script to provision the OpenVPN.
You can find the OpenVPN admin password in the cloud formation stack in your GCP console.
Provision the VPN and create a user
Provision a VPN while creating a user:
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Administrator -> Users.
Click Add. The Create User pane displays.
Enter a valid email address in the Username field.
In the Roles field, select the appropriate role for the User.
Select Provision VPN.
Click Submit.
Deleting VPN access for a user
For information about removing VPN access for a user, see Deleting a VPN user. To delete VPN access, you must have administrator privileges.
Open a VPN port
By default, users connected to a VPN can SSH or RDP into virtual machines (VMs). Users can also connect to internal load balancers and endpoints of the applications. However, to connect to other services, such as databases and elastic cache, you must open the port to the VPN:
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Administrator -> Tenants.
Select the Tenant in the Name column.
Click the Security tab.
Click Add. The Add Tenant Security pane displays.
In the Source Type field, select Ip Address.
In the IP CIDR field, enter the name of your VPN.
Click Add.
Last updated