
Infrastructures are abstractions that allow you to create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) instance in the DuploCloud Portal. When you create an Infrastructure, a Plan (with the same Infrastructure name) is automatically created and populated with the Infrastructure configuration to supply the network configuration necessary for your Infrastructure to run.

Each Infrastructure represents a network connection to a unique VPC/VNET, in a region with a Kubernetes cluster. In the case of AWS, it can also include an ECS. An Infrastructure can be created with four basic inputs: Name, VPC CIDR, Number of AZs, Region, and the option to enable or disable a K8S/ECS cluster.

When you create the Infrastructure, DuploCloud automatically creates the following components:

  • VPC with two subnets (private, public) in each availability zone

  • Required security groups

  • NAT Gateway

  • Internet Gateway

  • Route tables

  • VPC peering with the master VPC, which is initially configured in DuploCloud

Additional requirements like custom Private/Public Subnet CIDRs can be configured in the Advanced Options area.

A common use for Infrastructure is having two Infrastructures, one for prod and one for non-prod. Another is having an infrastructure in a different region for DR or localized client deployments in that region.

Plans and Infrastructures

Once the Infrastructure is created, DuploCloud automatically creates a Plan (with the same Infrastructure name) with the Infrastructure configuration. The Plan is used to create Tenants.

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