Step 4: Create a Host
Creating a Host that acts as an EKS Worker node
When you create an AWS EKS Service, you are using a combination of technologies from AWS and the Kubernetes open-source container orchestration system.
Kubernetes uses worker nodes to distribute workloads within a cluster. The cluster automatically distributes the workload among its nodes, enabling seamless scaling as required system resources expand to support your applications.
Estimated time to complete Step 4: 5 minutes.
Before creating a Host (essentially a Virtual Machine), verify that you accomplished the tasks in the previous tutorial steps. Using the DuploCloud Portal, confirm that:
An Infrastructure and Plan exist, both with the name NONPROD.
The NONPROD infrastructure has EKS Enabled.
A Tenant with the name dev01 has been created.
Select the Tenant you created
In the Tenant list box, on the upper-left side of the DuploCloud Portal, select the dev01 Tenant that you created.
Creating a host
In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Hosts. The Hosts page displays.
In the EC2 tab, click Add. The Add Hosts page displays.
In the Friendly Name field, enter host01.
From the Instance Type list box, select 2 CPU 4 GB - t3.medium.
Select the Advanced Options checkbox to display advanced configuration fields.
From the Agent Platform list box, select EKS Linux.
From the Image ID list box, select any Image ID that is prefixed by EKS (for example, EKS-Oregon-1.23).
Click Add. The Host is created, initialized, and started. In a few minutes, when the Status displays Running, the Host is available for use.
The EKS Image ID is the image published by AWS specifically for an EKS worker in the version of Kubernetes deployed at Infrastructure creation time. For this tutorial, the region is us-west-2, where the NONPROD Infrastructure was created.
If no Image ID is available with a prefix of EKS, copy the AMI ID for the desired EKS version by referring to this AWS documentation. Select Other from the Image ID list box and paste the copied AMI ID in the Other Image ID field. Contact the DuploCloud Support team via your Slack channel if you have questions or issues.
Checking your work
Verify that the Host you created has a Status of Running.
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