S3 Bucket

Create an S3 bucket for AWS storage

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object-storage service offering scalability, data availability, security, and performance. You can store and protect any data for data lakes, cloud-native applications, and mobile apps. Read more about S3 and its capabilities here.

To configure an S3 bucket for auditing, see the Auditing topic.

Creating an S3 bucket

  1. In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Storage.

  2. Click the S3 tab.

  3. Click Add. The Create an S3 Bucket pane displays.

  4. In the Name field, enter a name for the S3 bucket.

  5. In the Region list box, select the region. You can select Tenant Region, Default Region, or Global Region, and specify Other Region to enter a custom region you have defined.

  1. Optionally, select Enable Bucket Versioning and/or Object Lock. Both of these settings are disabled by default, unless you Enable Bucket Versioning Tenant-wide in Tenant Settings. For more information about S3 bucket versioning, see the AWS documentation.

  2. Click Create. An S3 bucket is created.

Enable Bucket Versioning must be selected to use Object Lock.

Enabling bucket versioning for S3 buckets at the Tenant level

You can configure the Tenant to enable bucket versioning by default.

  1. In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Administrator -> Tenants.

  2. Click on the Tenant name in the list.

  3. In the Settings tab, click Add. The Add Tenant Feature pane displays.

  4. Click Add. The Create an S3 Bucket pane displays.

  5. From the Select Tenant Feature list box, select Default: Enable bucket versioning for new S3 buckets.

  6. Select Enable.

  7. Click Add. Bucket versioning will be enabled by default on the Create an S3 Bucket pane when creating a new S3 bucket.

With this setting configured, all new S3 buckets in the Tenant will automatically have bucket versioning enabled.

Setting S3 bucket permissions and policies

You can set specific AWS S3 bucket permissions and policies using the DuploCloud Portal. Permissions for virtual machines, Lambda functions, and containers are provisioned automatically through Instance profiles, so no access key is required in your application code. However, when coding your application, be aware of these guidelines:

  • Use the IAM role or Instance profile to connect to services.

  • Only use the AWS SDK constructor for the region.

Set S3 Bucket permissions in the DuploCloud Portal:

  1. In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Storage.

  2. Click the S3 tab.

  3. From the Name column, select the bucket for which you want to set permissions. The S3 Bucket page for your bucket displays.

  4. In the Settings tab, click Edit. The Edit a S3 Bucket pane displays.

  5. From the KMS list box, select the key management system scope (AWS Default KMS Key, Tenant KMS Key, etc.).

  6. Select permissions: Allow Public Access, Enable Access Logs, or Enable Versioning.

  7. Select an available Bucket Policy: Require SSL/HTTPS or Allow Public Read. To select the Allow Public Read policy, you must select the Allow Public Access permission. To ignore all bucket policies for the bucket, select Ignore Bucket Policies.

  8. Click Save. In the Details tab, your changed permissions are displayed.

Use this table to map the permission and policies options above with the YAML key/value pair.

Edit a S3 Bucket OptionKeyValue

Allow Public Access



Enable Access Logs



Enable Versioning



Require SSL / HTTPS



Allow Public Read



Ignore Bucket Policies



From the S3 Bucket page, you can set bucket permissions directly in the AWS Console by clicking the >_Console icon. You have permission to configure the bucket within the AWS Console session, but no access or security-level permissions are available.

Add a custom prefix for S3 buckets

DuploCloud provides the capability to specify a custom prefix for S3.

IMPORTANT: Before you add custom prefixes for S3 buckets, contact the DuploCloud Support Team and ask them to set the ENABLEAWSRESOURCEMGMTUSINGTAGS property toTrue in the DuploCloud System. After this property is set, use this procedure to add custom prefixes.

  1. IMPORTATIn the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Administrator -> System Settings.

  2. Click the System Config tab.

  3. Click Add. The Add Config pane displays.

  4. From the Config Type list box, select AppConfig.

  5. From the Key list box, select Prefix all S3 Bucket Names.

  6. In the Value field, enter the custom prefix.

  7. Click Submit.

Avoid specifying system-reserved prefixes such asduploservices.

Last updated


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