Adding Hosts

Add a Host (virtual machine) in the DuploCloud Portal.

DuploCloud AWS supports EC2, ASG, and BYOH (Bring Your Own Host) types. Use BYOH for any VMs that are not EC2 or ASG.

Adding a Host (VM)

  1. Ensure you have selected the appropriate Tenant from the Tenant list box at the top of the DuploCloud Portal.

  2. In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Hosts.

  3. Click the tab that corresponds to the type of Host you want to create (EC2, ASG, or BYOH).

  4. Click Add. The Host that you added is displayed in the appropriate tab (EC2, ASG, or BYOH).

To connect to the Host using SSH, follow this procedure.

The EKS Image ID is the image published by AWS specifically for an EKS worker in the version of Kubernetes deployed at Infrastructure creation time.

If no Image ID is available with a prefix of EKS, copy the AMI ID for the desired EKS version by referring to this AWS documentation. Select Other from the Image ID list box and paste the copied AMI ID in the Other Image ID field. Contact the DuploCloud Support team via your Slack channel if you have questions or issues.

Creating Kubernetes StorageClass and PVC constructs in the DuploCloud Portal.

See Kubernetes StorageClass and PVC.

Supported Host Actions

  1. From the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> Hosts.

  2. Select the Host name from the list.

  3. From the Actions list box, you can select Connect, Host Settings, or Host State to perform the following supported actions:



Establish an SSH connection to work directly in the AWS Console.

Connection Details

View connection details (connection type, address, user name, visibility) and download the key.

Host Details

View Host details in the Host Details YAML screen.

Host Settings:

Create AMI

Set the AMI.

Create Snapshot

Create a snapshot of the Host at a specific point.

Update User Data

Update the Host user data.

Change Instance Size

Resize a Host instance to accommodate the workload.

Update Auto Reboot Status Check

Enable or disable Auto Reboot. Set the number of minutes after the AWS Instance Status Check fails before automatically rebooting.

Host State:


Start the Host.


Reboot the Host.


Stop the Host.


Hibernate (temporarily freeze) the Host.

Terminate Host

Terminate the Host.

Adding custom code for EC2 or ASG Hosts

If you add custom code for EC2 or ASG Hosts using the Base64 Data field, your custom code overrides the code needed to start the EC2 or ASG Hosts and the Hosts cannot connect to EKS. Instead, use this procedure to add custom code directly in EKS.

set -o xtrace
/etc/eks/ duploinfra-MYINFRA --kubelet-extra-args '--node-labels=tenantname=duploservices-MYTENANT'

# Custom user code:
echo "hello world"

Last updated


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