Storage Account

DuploCloud Azure Portal provides the ability to create Storage Accounts, File Shares, and generate Shared Access Signatures (SAS). Storage Accounts with a SKU Type Standard_LRS are created. Users can view additional details of File Share endpoints from the Portal.

Create Storage Account

Navigate to DevOps > Storage Account to create Storage Account.

Provide unique name to create Storage Account.

View Storage Account

Create and View File Shares

Create File Shares by clicking on Add.

Generate Shared Access Signature (SAS)

Click on Actions > Shared Access Signature. Provide access details in the screen below. Review and generate Shared Access Signature(SAS) tokens.

Once Signature Tokens are generated, Azure user can copy paste the token and URL's in a secure location. They'll only be displayed once and cannot be retrieved once the window is closed.

Block Public Access to Storage Accounts

You can configure the Tenant to block public network access to Storage Accounts.

  1. From the DuploCloud Portal navigation, select Administrator -> Tenants.

  2. Select your Tenant name from the list.

  3. In the Settings tab, click Add. The Add Tenant Feature pane displays.

  4. From the Select Feature item list, select Other.

  5. In the Configuration field, enter block_public_network_to_azure_storage.

  6. In the empty field, enter "True".

  7. Click Add. Public access to storage accounts is blocked.

Last updated


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