Terminologies in Container Orchestration

Key terms and concepts in DuploCloud Container Orchestration

The following concepts do not apply to ECS. ECS uses a proprietary policy model, which is explained in a later section.

Familiarize yourself with these DuploCloud concepts and terms before deploying containerized applications in DuploCloud. See use cases for a description of DuploCloud Infrastructures and Tenants.


These are virtual machines (EC2 Instances, GCP Node pools or Azure Agent Pools). By default, apps within a Tenant are pinned to VMs in the same Tenant. One can also deploy Hosts in one Tenant that can be leveraged by apps in other Tenants. This is called the shared host model. The shared host model does not apply to ECS Fargate.


Service is a DuploCloud term and is not the same as a Kubernetes Service. In DuploCloud, a Service is a micro-service defined by a Name, Docker Image, Number of Replicas, and many other optional parameters. Behind the scenes, a DuploCloud Service maps 1:1 to a DeploymentSet or a StatefulSet, based on whether the microservice has stateful volumes. There are many optional Service configurations representing various ways that Docker containers can be run. Among these are:

  • Environment variables

  • Host Network Mode

  • Volume mounts

  • Entrypoint or command overrides

  • Resource caps

  • Kubernetes health checks

Allocation Tags

If a service needs to be pinned to run only a specific set of hosts, you set an Allocation Tag on both the hosts, as well as the Service. Allocation Tags are case-insensitive substrings. Allocation Tags on a service should be a substring of the tag specified on the host. For example, if a Host is tagged as HighCpu;HighMem, then the service (if it is tagged highcpu) can be allocated on this host. If a service does not have any tag set, it can be placed on any host.

If the host is tagged with a specific value, and you have services with the same tag, the host is available for any service which has no tags. If you want the exclusive assignment of a host to a set of services, ensure every service in the Tenant is tagged.

For Kubernetes deployments the concept of allocation tags is realized by mapping it to labels on nodes and then node selector on the Deploymentset or Statefulset

Host Networking

By default, Docker containers have their network addresses. At times, you may want these containers to reuse the same network interface that the VM uses. This reuse is called Host Network Mode.

Load Balancer

Every DuploCloud Service that communicates with other Services, needs to be exposed by a LoadBalancer. DuploCloud supports the following Load Balancers (LBs).

  • Application Elastic Load Balancer (ELB): When exposed by an ELB, the DuploCloud Service is reachable from anywhere unless it is marked as Internal, in which case it is reachable only from within the VPC (or DuploCloud Infrastructure). Application ELBs allow you to use a certificate for terminating SSL on the LB, which allows you to avoid providing application SSLs and certificates, such as a certificate issued from AWS Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM). In Kubernetes, the platform creates a NodePort pointing to the DeploymentSet and adds the Host IPs of the worker nodes to the ELB. Traffic flows from the client to the external port defined in the ELB (for example, 443), to the ELB's NodePort (for example, 30004 on the Worker Node), and to the Kubernetes Proxy running on each Worker Node. The Worker Node forwards the NodePort to the container.

  • Classic ELB (Only applicable to Built-In Container Orchestration): Classic ELBs can be used when the application is exposing non-HTTP ports and they operate on any TCP port. When exposed by an ELB, the Service is reachable from anywhere unless it is marked as Internal, in which case it is reachable only from within the VPC (or DuploCloud infrastructure). Classic ELBs allow you to use a certificate for terminating SSL on the LB. which allows you to avoid providing application SSLs and certificates, such as a certificate issued from AWS Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM).

  • Cluster IP (Kubernetes only): Kubernetes ClusterIP load balancers can be used if you are required to expose the application only within the Kubernetes Cluster.

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