Metrics Setup

Enable Metrics for the DuploCloud Portal

The metrics setup is made up of two components:

Control Plane comprises a Grafana dashboard service and a Prometheus container for fetching VM and container metrics. Grafana directly pulls cloud service metrics from AWS without requiring Prometheus.

From the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Administrator -> Observability -> Settings, and select the Monitoring tab to enable Metrics. Click on Enable Monitoring.

Metrics Enable Monitoring link

Metrics Collector. Once the Metrics control plane is ready, i.e., Grafana and Prometheus service has been deployed and are active, we have to enable Metrics on a per-Tenant basis. From the DuploCloud portal, navigate to Administrator -> Observability -> Settings. Click the Monitoring tab and enable monitoring per Tenant using the toggle buttons. This triggers the deployment of Node Exporter and CAdvisor container in each Host in the Tenant, similar to how Log Collectors like Filebeat are deployed for fetching central logs and sending them to Open Search.

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