Load Balancers

Creating a Load balancer using GCP in DuploCloud

All containers are running inside a private network and cannot be accessed from an external network. To make them accessible from the an external network, create a Load Balancer.

Creating a GKE Ingress

If you need to create an Ingress Load Balancer, refer to the GKE Ingress page in the DuploCloud Kubernetes User Guide.

Adding a Load Balancer Listener

For an end-to-end example of deploying an application using a GCP Service, see the GCP Quick start.

  1. In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Kubernetes -> Services.

  2. On the Services page, select the Service name in the Name column.

  3. Click the Load Balancers tab.

  4. If no Load Balancers exist, click the Configure Load Balancer link. If other Load Balancers exist, click Add in the LB listeners card. The Add Load Balancer Listener pane displays.

  5. From the Select Type list box, select a Load Balancer Listener type based on your Load Balancer.

  6. Complete other fields as required and click Add to add the Load Balancer Listener.

DuploCloud allows no more than one (0 or 1) Load Balancer per DuploCloud Service.

Last updated


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