Public IP Address Prefix

Use a Public IP Address to reserve a range of consecutive public IPs

A Public IP Address Prefix reserves a range of consecutive public IP addresses that you can individually assign to public resources. This is useful for scaling because it provides a globally unique address space, supports expansion across locations, facilitates load balancing, enables secure access control, and is fundamental for connecting to multiple ISPs and participating in internet routing protocols.

Adding a Public IP Address Prefix

  1. Select the correct Tenant from the Tenant list in the upper left.

  2. In the DuploCloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Services -> App Integration.

  3. Click on the Public IP Prefix tab.

    The Public IP Prefix tab.
  4. Click Add. The Add Public IP Prefix pane displays.

  5. In the Name field, enter a name. Select your desired length (number of addresses) from the Prefix Length item list. Select the resource type from the Resource Type item list.

    The Add Public IP Prefix pane.
  6. Click Add. Your Public IP Prefix is created.

Last updated


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