Step 4: Create a Task Definition for an Application

Create a Task Definition for your application in AWS ECS

You enabled ECS cluster creation when you created the Infrastructure. In order to create a Service using ECS, you first need to create a Task Definition that serves as a blueprint for your application.

Once you create a Task Definition, you can run it as a Task or as a Service. In this tutorial, we run the Task Definition as a Service.

Estimated time to complete Step 4: 10 minutes.


Before creating an RDS, verify that you completed the tasks in the previous tutorial steps. Using the DuploCloud Portal, confirm that:

Creating a Task Definition

  1. In the Tenant list box, select the dev01 Tenant.

  2. Navigate to Cloud Services -> ECS.

  3. In the Task Definition tab, click Add. The Add Task Definition page displays.

  1. In the Name field, enter sample-task-def.

  2. In the Container - 1 section, in the Container Name field, enter sample-task-def-c1. Container names are required for Docker images in AWS ECS.

  3. In the Image field, enter duplocloud/nodejs-hello:latest.

  4. From the vCPU list box, select 0.50 vCPU.

  5. From the Memory list box, select 1 GB.

  6. In the Port Mappings section, in the Port field, enter 3000. Port mappings allow containers to access ports for the host container instance to send or receive traffic.

  7. Click Submit.

Last updated


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