Infrastructure Security settings

Configure infrastructure Security Settings for Infrastructure and Plan

Configuring Plan Settings

To configure Plan settings, navigate to Administrator -> Plans in the DuploCloud Portal. Select the name of the Plan that matches the DuploCloud Infrastructure for which you want to configure settings. Click the Capabilities tab to view Plan Settings.

A Default Value of Enabled in the table below displays a property Value of True in the UI.

A Default Value of Disabled in the table below displays a property Value of False in the UI.

Plan SettingsDescriptionDefault Value

Unrestricted External Load Balancer

Creation of an internet-facing load balancer with non-default listener ports (other than 80 and 443) will be automatically allowed to everyone ( if this setting is enabled. If this detting is disabled, you must manually add a Security Group Ingress rule to access the service


Configuring Infrastructure Settings

To configure Infrastructure settings, navigate to Administrator -> Infrastructure in the DuploCloud Portal. Select the name of the Infrastructure for which you want to configure the settings. Click the Settings tab to view Infrastructure settings.

A Default Value of Enabled in the table below displays a property value of True in the UI.

A Default Value of Disabled in the table below displays a property value of False in the UI.

Infrastructure SettingsDescriptionDefault Value

EKS Endpoint Visibility

Set as Private to access an EKS Cluster using a private endpoint with DuploCloud VPN enabled.


Last updated


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