DuploCloud Support

Support features included with the product and how to contact DuploCloud Support

DuploCloud offers hands-on 24/7 support for all customers via Slack or email as part of your subscription. Automation and developer self-service are at the heart of the DuploCloud Platform. We are dedicated to helping you achieve hands-off automation as fast as possible via rapid deployment of managed services or customized Terraform scripts using our exclusive Terraform provider.

How to Contact DuploCloud for Support

  • Use the customer Slack or Microsoft Teams channel created during onboarding.

  • Email us at support@duplocloud.net.

Included DuploCloud Support Features

Some of the things we support our customers with in real time include:

  • Configuring changes in your public cloud infrastructures and associated Kubernetes (K8s) constructs managed by DuploCloud

  • Setting up CI/CD pipelines

  • Cloud Migration from any existing platform

  • Proactive, tailored EKS cluster upgrades designed for minimum downtime impact

  • Accelerated onboarding of existing Services

  • Troubleshooting and debugging for:

    • Apps and Services crashing

    • OpenSearch or database instances slow or crashing

    • Proof-of-Concepts (PoCs) for third-party integrations, including roll-out to the development environment

    • Downtime during rolling Upgrades

    • Investigation and clarification of public cloud provider billing increases. Many times DuploCloud can suggest a more cost-effective alternative

    • Consolidation of third-party tools for which you currently subscribe that are included with your DuploCloud subscription

    • Adding a CI/CD pipeline for a new service

What DuploCloud Does not Support or Supports Conditionally

We cover most of your DevOps needs, but there are some. Examples of needs we do not or only partially support include, but are not limited to:

  • Patching an application inside a Docker image

  • Monitoring alerts in a Network Operations Center (NOC)

  • Troubleshooting application code

  • Database configuration

Last updated


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